Management Courses
MGT 130 Introduction to Business +
Familiarizes students with the nature of business and its relationship to other institutions in society. The course examines business ownership, organization, management, marketing, human resources management, production, and finance. In addition, it explores issues in the relationships between law and business and government and business. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
MGT 303 Managing Organizations +
Examines theory, research, and practice in the management of organizations. Students learn to make use of analytical tools for recognizing diagnosing, and acting on managerial problems related to organizations to their objectives, and to the development of human resources. The course emphasizes at the macro level, such as organizational analysis and design, and at the micro level, such as managerial behavior motivation, and interpersonal relations. More Info
Offered in:MGT 330 Business Environments and Public Policy +
Examines the interaction of business and government in the contemporary public policy process in the United States. The course helps students become familiar with the private sector's effect on the public sector as well as the public's effect on the private. It also examines how government promotes, regulates, and competes with private enterprise. More Info
Offered in:MGT 331 Managerial Ethics and Social Issues +
Examines the kinds of ethical principles (e.g. justice, equality, rights and obligations, and the public interest) generally offered in justification of ethical judgments. Students learn to apply these principles to the social and economic issues that managers face, such as pollution, safety, discrimination, and fiduciary and product responsibilities. The course includes a research paper on an ethical problem in management. More Info
Offered in:MGT 350 Organizational Events Managment +
This course provides an introduction to the methods and techniques utilized in planning, organizing, promoting and delivering of business and community based events. Students will learn the elements of organizational management theory as it relates to events design and planning and will also gain practice in planning, critiquing, and analyzing events through case studies and design practice of actual events. Students will apply the theories to an actual or virtual event experience. The course will be taught using lecture, online assignments, class discussion, and community-based service learning assignments. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
MGT 401 Int Hum Resource Mgt +
Examines the role of human resource manager in both public and private sector organizations. Topics include personnel planning, selection, appraisal, training, and development, compensation, and international aspects. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
MGT 415 Sport Entrepreneurship: Innovation, Design and Start-Up of Sport-Themed Enterprises +
This course will expose students and allow you to practice the new 21st century entrepreneurial management skills in sport-related businesses, including organizational learning and change, innovative collaborations, and building viable business models. More Info
Offered in:MGT 421 Management Practices +
Focuses on job-relevant skills that entry-level and middle-level managers need to acquire if they are to meet the challenges posed by problems in their work that involve dealing with people. The course focuses, for example, not on theories of group dynamics, but on how a manager can effectively chair a committee or lead a project team; not on theories of power but on short and long term strategies for acquiring and using power. The course focuses, therefore, on skill acquisition and practice rather than on understanding conceptual material. Required readings are used to further understanding of concepts introduced in MGT 303 and to facilitate skill practice. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
MGT 431 The Legal Environment of Business +
Seeks to help students broaden their understanding of our legal and regulatory system and how it affects them as business managers. Businesses have become increasingly subject to law and regulations. Legal and regulatory provisions pervade such aspects of business as the sale of securities, marketing practices, product liability, and business relationships with employees, customers, and other interested parties. This course assists students in developing their ability to meet the legal and regulatory demands and responsibilities of business today. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
MGT 434 Mngng Global Environ +
This course is designed to familiarize students with the world of international business. It introduces students to the special problems and issues firms encounter by virtue of operations abroad. It focuses on such concerns as relationships with host governments, and the complexities of planning, communicating, and controlling in the international arena. More Info
Offered in:MGT 450 Advanced Topics in Managing Organizations +
Treats particular current issues and topics in the areas of human resource management, entrepreneurship, organizational behavior, and/or international management. Important, current topics, such as re-engineering, innovation, downsizing, or globalization often overlap two or more of the above areas. These advanced topics build on earlier courses and explore topics in depth. The specific topics are announced prior to pre-registration. More Info
Offered in:MGT 470 Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Organizations +
Introduces students to entrepreneurship and small business management. This course focuses on writing business plans, analyzing financial data, and exploring legal issues in the creation of new enterprises. The course also provides students with an opportunity to evaluate their career interests and personal skills in the area of entrepreneurship and small business management. More Info
Offered in:MGT 474 Entrepreneurship Practicum to Launch Your Own Business +
If you have a business/idea that you're in the process of launching or want to launch, The Entrepreneurship Practicum (MGT 474) is the ideal course. We will spend the semester clarifying your unique value proposition, developing your business model, experimenting and testing your concept with potential customers, as well as confirming your financial viability, and generating a start-up strategy. The goal is to develop and launch a start-up that you will run upon graduation, or create a unique extension for an existing family business. Students who already run a small enterprise will be able to expand their company; those with a solid concept will be given all the tools for start-up and launch. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
MGT 478 Special Topics in Management +
Addresses a specific topic in management. Special topics courses are offered as one-time supplements to the department's curriculum. Descriptions of special topics courses are available during advance registration. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
MGT 480 Management Internship +
Provides students with opportunities for full- or part-time work experience in a management setting. On-site supervisors and faculty sponsors provide guidance and supervision for each intern. More Info
Offered in:MGT 481L Introduction to Environmental Management and Clean Energy +
This course examines the rapidly growing field of environmental management in the context of climate change and corporate sustainability. We will assess the strategies pursued by business as it engages with the challenges and opportunities presented by various environmental issues, including resource scarcity, increasing demand for clean energy and energy efficiency, air and water pollution, hazardous waste, environmental reporting and disclosure and working with environmental organizations and regulatory authorities. We will discuss the impact of regulatory, market, and voluntary approaches to addressing environmental concerns through improved organizational environmental performance. The course will introduce students to the relevant scientific, economic, and policy aspects of climate change and consider their physical, regulatory, and market impacts on business in various sectors. The students will have an opportunity to use this newly acquired knowledge by construction and actionable environmental management plan for an individual business sector of their choice. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
MGT 488 Independent Study +
A student-initiated research project on a management topic, supervised by a member of the management faculty. More Info
Offered in:MGT 490 Strategic Management +
Focuses on the organization as a whole from a perspective that takes into account both the role of top management and the future of the organization. The course is designed to be the capstone course in the student's College of Management curriculum. It develops an approach for identifying the mission of the organization, exploring its external environment for opportunities and risks, and relating these to internal strengths and weaknesses. More Info
Offered in:MGT 498 College of Management Honors Research Seminar +
The CM honors research seminar and thesis program is a two-semester course sequence. This seminar covers research and research methods, and is intended to position students to successfully complete a research project during the second semester. During the first semester, students will work with the program coordinator and later a faculty advisor to define the project. The program is structured around a series of assignments and milestones during which students will work with guidance from a faculty advisor and program coordinator toward a project that meets course goals. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
MGT 499 College of Management Honors Thesis Seminar +
The CM honors research seminar and thesis Program is a two-semester course sequence. In this seminar, students successfully complete a research while working closely with a faculty advisor to define the project, which builds upon work completed in the per-requisite course, CM Honors Research Seminar. The honors thesis project stretches and grows a student's capabilities. Therefore, the program is structured around a series of assignments and milestones during which students will work with guidance from a faculty advisor and program coordinator toward a project that meets course goals. More Info
Offered in: