Course Listings

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Entrepreneurship Practicum to Launch Your Own Business

Course #: MGT 474

If you have a business/idea that you're in the process of launching or want to launch, The Entrepreneurship Practicum (MGT 474) is the ideal course. We will spend the semester clarifying your unique value proposition, developing your business model, experimenting and testing your concept with potential customers, as well as confirming your financial viability, and generating a start-up strategy. The goal is to develop and launch a start-up that you will run upon graduation, or create a unique extension for an existing family business. Students who already run a small enterprise will be able to expand their company; those with a solid concept will be given all the tools for start-up and launch.

Pre Requisites: Pre-requisite: BC 290, MGT 470 and a minimum 60 credits or has experience running a small enterprise. Instructor consent required

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