Physics Courses
PHYSIC 597 Special Topics +
This course offers study of selected topics within this subject. Course content and credits vary according to topic and are announced prior to the registration period. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 600 Electronic Instrumentation I: Analog +
A lecture and laboratory course in analog electronics. Emphasis is placed on pragmatic and intuitive approaches to analog electronic circuit designs. A supervised independent project illustrating an aspect of basic analog electronics is required of each student. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 601 Electronic Instrumentation II: Digital +
A lecture and laboratory course to provide understanding of digital electronics and microprocessors. Emphasis is placed on digital logic components, digital circuit design, and techniques for incorporating microprocessors and microcomputers into laboratory experiments. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 602 Laser Optics Laboratory +
A lecture and laboratory course to provide a working understanding of modern optics, lasers, and applications. Topics include optical resonators; solid state, gas and semiconductor lasers; tunable dye lasers; non-linear optics; and spectroscopy applications. Selected topics, which may vary from year to year according to the interests of the faculty and recent developments in technology, will stress practical instrumentation as well as relevant theory. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 607 Experiments in Squishy Physics +
This is a laboratory course in the physics of soft condensed matter, also known as "squishy physics". Experiments will focus on physical methods to investigate how the microstructure of soft materials and biological materials relate to their bulk mechanical response to deformation using a combination of particle tracking microrheology, imaging, bulk oscillatory shear rheometry and light scattering methods. Analysis of experimental data will require some basic programming skills and use of MATLAB. In the laboratory assignments, students will be expected to be largely self-directed and draw upon published research and will require critical reading and analysis of scientific literature. A major portion of the grade will be based on a final laboratory project which will include written and oral presentation components. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 610 Topics in Medical Imaging +
This course focuses on an in-depth study of specific topics in the various medical imaging modalities. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 611 Theory of Classical Mechanics and Fluid Mechanics +
This course focusses on principles of classical mechanics: generalized coordinates, lagrangian and Hamiltonain formulations, variational principles, multiple periodic systems, non linear dynamics, fluid dynamics. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 612 Electromagnetic Theory +
A lecture course to develop electromagnetic theory and to treat various applications. Topics include Maxwell's equations in vacuum and in material media, electromagnetic theory of continuous media, reflection, refraction, diffraction and radiation of electromagnetic waves. Applications are selected from such topics as wave guides and resonant cavities, and magneto hydrodynamics and plasma physics. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 613 Quantum Mechanics, Atomic, and Molecular Physics +
A lecture course on the fundamental principles and applications of the quantum theory of matter. Topics include bound systems (potential well harmonic oscillator, hydrogen atom), angular momentum, spin, identical particles, the periodic table, exchange forces, chemical bonding, linear vector spaces, perturbation theory. Such other topics as magnetic resonance, symmetry groups, and elementary particles are selected for study according to student and faculty interests. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 614 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics +
A lecture course on the principles of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. Topics include: fundamentals of thermodynamics, first and second laws, thermodynamic potentials, phase transitions, classical kinetic theory, classical statistical mechanics, and quantum statistical mechanics. Applications of the principles will be made to physical, chemical, and biological systems of special or current interest. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 616 Mathematical Methods for Physicists +
A course in intermediate mathematics with applications to analytical and quantum mechanics and electromagnetic theory. Selected topics from vector analysis, tensor algebra, linear algebra and group theory, functions of a complex variable, second-order differential equations, Fourier series and transforms, calculus of variations. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 632 Advanced Laser Optics (with Lab) +
This is a one-semester lecture and lab course offered as a follow-up to Physic 602. Topics include wave propagation in isotropic and anisotropic media, birefringence, the physical origin of nonlinear polarization, wave propagation in nonlinear media, optical second harmonic generation, parametric oscillation and amplification, electro-optic effects in crystals, third order non-linearities, third harmonic generation, the interaction of light and phase conjugate optics, four-wave mixing, intensity dependent transmission, and selected topics as time permits. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 635 Physics on the Back of an Envelope (Estimation in Physics) +
The goal of the course is to introduce the students to a comprehensive array of qualitative methods practiced by researchers but rarely taught. The focus will be on occurrences in a wide range of areas, including Quantum Mechanics and Differential Equations. As the course title indicates, these methods allow for the quick, and relatively painless, estimation of magnitude of effects prior to subjecting them to more rigors. The ability to do this is widely regarded as the defining characteristic of physicists. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 638 Quantum Measurement Theory +
The issue of measurement has been a topic of debate since the early days of quantum mechanics as the founders attempted to reconcile the fundamental features of the theory with seeming contraditctions associated with measurement. In recent years, these questions have taken on added practical importance in the context of manipulation and control of nano-engineered structures. This course introduces the student to the language of quantum measurement theory, necessary to model measured quantum dynamical systems, ideas which are relevant to a number of applications in the emerging area of quantum information such as quantum computing. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 645 Cancer Biophysics +
This course deals with the application of physics principles and technologies to cancer biology, diagnosis, and treatment, with an emphasis on relevant current literature. Subject matter crosses traditional disciplinary lines to integrate physical, mathematical and molecular descriptions of tumor growth, development, and metastasis as well as physics-based techniques, especially imaging modalities, for both basic investigation and in clinical cancer diagnostics and monitoring. Photomedicine, including photodynamic therapy for treatment of cancer and underlying photophysics is also discussed. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 662 Computational Science +
This course provides an introduction to the uses of computational tools in physics and other natural sciences. While we study numerical methods and programming, the emphasis is on computation as an aid to understanding physical systems. Students are expected to have a background in undergraduate level science and mathematics, as well as a basic knowledge of programming. Students who are not matriculated in the Applied Physics graduate program may enroll with the permission of the instructor. The course material is intended to be accessible to a scientifically diverse student body, including students in mathematics, computer science, physical and other natural sciences. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 680 Readings in Physics +
An opportunity for qualified graduate students to pursue advanced independent readings in specialized topics in applied physics, with the guidance of a faculty member. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 690 Projects in Physics +
Qualified graduate students may pursue advanced independent projects in applied physics, with the guidance of a faculty supervisor. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 694 Master's Internship +
PHYSIC 697 Special Topics in Applied Physics +
The study of a particular topic of current interest in applied physics, such as photonics, nuclear reactor physics, semiconductor device physics, superconductivity, magnetic resonance. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 699 Master's Thesis Research +
PHYSIC 899 Doctoral Dissertation Research +
This is a repeatable research course culminating in the completion of doctoral thesis and the associated defense of the findings. More Info
Offered in: