Portuguese Courses
PORT 101 Elementary Portuguese I +
Designed for students with little or no background in the Portuguese language. Portuguese 101 focuses on the acquisition of basic listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills within a cultural framework. More Info
Offered in:PORT 102 Elementary Portuguese II +
A continuation of PORT 101. Portuguese 102 focuses on furthering the acquisition of basic listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills within a cultural framework. More Info
Offered in:PORT 201 Intermediate Portuguese I +
Further development of language skills, with readings in Portuguese and Brazilian literature and civilization. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PORT 202 Intermediate Portuguese II +
A continuation of PORT 201. Further development of language skills, with readings in Portuguese and Brazilian literature and civilization. More Info
Offered in:PORT 278 Portuguese for Heritage Speakers +
This course addresses the linguistic needs of bicultural students who have a command of spoken Portuguese but who have had no formal instruction in the language. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PORT 279 Writing for Heritage Speakers of Portuguese +
This course is conducted as a workshop on writing for Portuguese-heritage students. Topics include problems of style and geographic linguistic varieties. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PORT 304 Advanced Portuguese +
This course offers intensive work in conversation and composition, and supports students in mastery of these skills. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PORT 375L Afro-Luso-Brazilian Cultures +
This course will offer an introduction to the cultures, histories, and politics of the Portuguese-speaking world (namely Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissua, Mozambique, and Sao Tome and Principe) as seen primarily through key literary, historical and filmic texts. Materials and class discussions will center around themes of colonialism, the struggle for independence, post-colonialism, gender, class, race, dictatorships, national identity, historical memory, and (im)migration. This course includes an explicit focus on comparison between the cultures of Brazil, Portugal and those of the PALOP (Portuguese-Speaking nations of Africa), specifically their experiences with colonialism, the path to independence, and post-colonialism. More Info
Offered in:PORT 378 Portuguese Independent Study +
For LAIS Majors or Portuguese Studies Minors who wish to study a special subject not covered in regular departmental courses. The student must first present his or her idea to a member of the faculty. A detailed plan of study (including a reading list, scheduled consultations, and a statement about examinations and/or required papers) must then be presented by the faculty member for departmental approval before the registration period preceding the semester in which the student wishes to do the independent study. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PORT 385 Special Topics in Portuguese Studies +
Taught in English, this course allows for an in-depth and detailed exploration of a specific topic in Portuguese Studies that is not regularly covered in other departmental offerings. Course content varies and is announced during registration. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PORT 490L Internship Course in Latin American and Iberian Studies +
The Internship Course in Latin American and Iberian Studies is designed to provide students with meaningful, mentored experiential learning while exploring possible careers and making professional connections. Relevant fields include education, media, public agencies, arts, translation, law, health, non-profits, etc. More Info
Offered in:- TBA