Physics Courses
PHYSIC 101 Introduction to Physics +
The purpose of this class is to introduce incoming students to the Physics major. We will cover the requirements for the major and why they exist. In addition we will introduce computational tools that will enhance student's ability to work effectively in their classes. A major goal of this class is to teach students the steps in solving Physics problems. We will also explore the connections and differences between Math and Physics. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 107 College Physics I +
Non-calculus introductory physics for life-science students and others with a program requirement for a year of physics at this level. Topics include mechanics, fluids, wave motion, kinetic theory of gases, temperature and heat. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 108 College Physics II +
A continuation of PHYSIC 107. Topics include thermodynamics, electricity, and magnetism; optics; and a preview of modern physics. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 113 Fundamentals of Physics I +
The first semester of calculus-level introductory physics. Topics include mechanics, fluids, waves, kinetic theory, and heat. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 114 Fundamentals of Physics II +
The second semester of calculus-level introductory physics. Topics include thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, geometrical and wave optics. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 121 Introduction to Astronomy +
Descriptive introduction to astronomy and astrophysics. Topics include introductory material on light, telescopes, and spectroscopy; properties of stars and stellar evolution, including the formation of stars, stellar energy cycles, red giants, white dwarfs, supernovae, neutron stars, and black holes; galactic structure; the expansion of the universe; cosmology; the past and future of the universe. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 126 Solar System Astronomy +
Descriptive introduction to the study of the solar system and its structure. Topics include the historical development of early astronomy; the properties of the sun; the planets and their satellites; comets, asteroids, and meteorites; the results of spacecraft exploration. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 134 Energy for the Future +
The current means of providing energy for our society are not sustainable. The need for secure, alternative and clean sources of power is increasingly apparent. This course, intended for a general audience, provides an overview of the energy problem. It covers the ways we currently obtain and use power and considers the scientific and technological issues involved in emerging technologies. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 171 Introductory Physics Lab for Life Sciences I +
A lab course, designed to be paired with the first semester Introductory Physics lecture course with a syllabus targeted towards students in the life sciences. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 172 Introductory Physics Lab II for Life Sciences +
A lab course, designed to be paired with the second semester introductory Physics lecture course with a syllabus targeted towards students in the life sciences. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 181 Physics Laboratory I +
Exploration of basic physical phenomena through laboratory work. Experiments in kinematics, mechanics and hydrostatics. This course is designed to accompany either level of introductory physics. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 182 Physics Laboratory II +
Exploration of basic physical phenomena through laboratory work. Experiments in thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism and optics. This course is designed to accompany either level of introductory physics. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 197 Special Topics in Physics +
This is a 100 level special topics theory class in Physics. Course content and credits vary according to topic and will be announced prior to registration. Several topics may be offered each semester. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 198 Special Topics Laboratory +
This is a 100 level special topics lab class in Physics. Course content and credits vary according to topic and will be announced prior to registration. Several topics may be offered each semester. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 211 Introduction to Contemporary Physics +
The third semester of calculus-level introductory physics. Topics include special relativity; the historical development of quantum theory; elements of quantum mechanics; with applications to atomic, molecular, solid state, nuclear and particle physics. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 214 Thermodynamics +
An introduction to the principles of thermodynamics. Concepts include temperature, internal energy, heat, free energy, entropy, work, and the laws which relate them to each other. Application is made to systems including ideal gases, heat engines and refrigerators. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 247 Quantum Information I: Fundamentals of Quantum Physics +
This is a one semester course targeted at students who have passed pre-calculus that introduces them to the basic ideas and mathematics of Quantum Mechanics. This course will cover the fundamentals of quantum physics; its phenomenological, theoretical and experimental basis. The course is aimed at conveying working knowledge of the principle of quantum mechanics, targeted towards the understanding of quantum information processing and quantum computation. This course is not calculus based and it requires only pre-calculus. Quantum mechanics will be taught using only linear algebra, which will be taught alongside with the physics. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 281 Physical Laboratory I +
Basic principles of experimental physics and error analysis. Experiments in modern physics and optics, including spectroscopy, electromagnetism, atomic, and nuclear physics. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 297 Special Topics in Physics +
This is a 200 level special topics theory class in Physics. Course content and credits vary according to topic and will be announced prior to registration. Several topics may be offered each semester. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 298 Special Topics Laboratory +
This is a 200 level special topics lab class in Physics. Course content and credits vary according to topic and will be announced prior to registration. Several topics may be offered each semester. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 312 Mechanics +
Principles of Newtonian mechanics, conservation laws, gravitational potential theory, and conservative fields, central forces, oscillatory systems, rigid body rotation, and relativistic mechanics. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 321 Theory of Electricity and Magnetism I +
Basic concepts of electric and magnetic fields, electrostatics, magnetostatics, electric currents, electromagnetism, development of Maxwell's equations and simple applications, physical optics, reflection, dispersion, polarization, and diffraction. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 322 Theory of Electricity and Magnetism II +
A continuation of PHYSIC 321. Description of the phenomena of electricity and magnetism in mathematical terms, boundary value problems and boundary conditions, transmission lines, wave guides, radiation from a moving charge, and special relativity. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 331 Optics +
An introductory treatment of the physics of light. Topics include geometrical optics, interference and diffraction of light, electromagnetic wave theory, polarization, propagation of light in dispersive media and crystals, optical instruments, holography, lasers. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 347 Quantum Information II: Quantum Computation +
This course will cover fundamental concepts of Quantum Computation and Quantum Algorithms. The course will contain a broad overview of the main concepts and tools in quantum computation. The necessary notions in math, physics and information theory will be developed during the course. We will focus on the most fundamental elements necessary to perform quantum computation and show a survey of the existing quantum algorithms, the features they offer, and the challenges they face. The course will also cover how to use quantum technology for quantum simulation and quantum communication channels. Quantum error correction and other ways to prevent decoherence will be presented in depth. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 350 Statistical Physics +
Topics in heat, thermodynamics, kinetic theory, and elementary statistical mechanics. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 351 Quantum Information III: Physics and Information +
This course will cover fundamental concepts of information theory and statistical mechanics as a core tool for the understanding of physics and computation. Information is stored and processed by physical devices and it is therefore constrained by the fundamental laws of physics. In this course we begin by describing the origin of the concept of entropy in thermodynamics. We then discuss how the microscopic theory of atoms led to statistical mechanics, which makes it possible to derive and extend thermodynamics. This leads to the definition of entropy in terms of probabilities on the set of accessible microscopic states of a system and provided the inspiration for modern information theory starting with the seminal work of Shannon. We then discuss a variety of fundamental issues that emerge in defining information and how one must exercise care in discussing concepts such as order, disorder, and incomplete knowledge. Finally, we discuss how quantum mechanics gives rise to the concept of quantum information. Entirely new possibilities for information storage and computation are possible due to the massive parallel processing inherent in quantum mechanics More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 362 Computational Science +
This course provides an introduction to the uses of computational tools in physics and other natural sciences. While we study numerical methods and programming, the emphasis is on computation as an aid to understanding physical systems. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 382 Intermediate Laboratory +
Experiments in geometrical and physical optics, electronics, atomic physics, and nuclear physics. Individual program of experiments for each student according to his or her interests and previous experience. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 397 Special Topics in Physics +
This is a 300 level special topics theory class in Physics. Course content and credits vary according to topic and will be announced prior to registration. Several topics may be offered each semester. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 398 Special Topics Laboratory +
This is a 300 level special topics lab class in Physics.Course content and credits vary according to topic and will be announced prior to registration. Several topics may be offered each semester. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 421 Atomic Physics and Introduction to Quantum Mechanics +
The fundamental and elementary applications of quantum mechanics with emphasis on physical content rather than formalism. Elementary wave mechanics developed and applied to simple atomic structure. Topics include spectroscopic and other phenomena which form the experimental basis of modern atomic physics, the role of the Pauli principle and spin in determining periodic atomic properties, and radiation phenomena. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 447 Quantum Information IV: Quantum Science Applications +
This course is devoted to applications of Quantum Information Science. The course is divided in three parts. Part I is a survey of current implementation schemes from quantum computers, from superconducting flux qubits to ion traps to NMR to adiabatic computers like D-wave. Part II is devoted to simulating quantum systems and quantum computers. Using the package QUTIP (see students will learn how to simulate quantum circuits and quantum systems on a classical computer and perform some quantum algorithms. In part III, students will learn how to program a real quantum computer using the IBM Quantum Experience module and will write software for real quantum computers. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 479 Readings in Physics I +
Supervised individual study of special topics in physics that are not available in regular courses. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 480 Readings in Physics II +
Supervised individual study of special topics in physics that are not available in regular courses. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 482 Adv Projects Lab +
Individual projects laboratory under the guidance of faculty in experimental and applied physics. An opportunity for the student to coordinate knowledge from mathematics, basic sciences and engineering sciences in the development of a specific project. Selected projects will emphasize design, analysis, development and evaluation; they will be chosen to simulate, as closely as possible, situations that might occur in industrial research and development. More Info
Offered in:PHYSIC 487 Research in Physics I +
PHYSIC 488 Research Physics II +
PHYSIC 497 Special Topics in Physics +
This is a 400 level special topics theory class in Physics. Course content and credits vary according to topic and will be announced prior to registration. Several topics may be offered each semester. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
PHYSIC 498 Special Topics Laboratory +
This is a 400 level special topics lab class in Physics. Course content and credits vary according to topic and will be announced prior to registration. Several topics may be offered each semester. More Info
Offered in:- TBA