Interdisciplinary Studies Courses
INTR-D 100G Special Topics First Year Seminar +
First Year Seminars provide students with an opportunity to develop their skills in careful reading, clear writing, critical thinking, information technology, oral presentation, academic self-assessment, and teamwork in an interactive classroom setting. They are a graduation for students who matriculate with fewer than 30 credits. In Special Topics First Year Seminars, instructors pilot new themes within this established General Education format. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
INTR-D 110 Set SAIL for Success Course Part I +
The CNHS transition course, part one, is designed to assist with the high school to college transition at UMass Boston and the College of Nursing and Health Science (CNHS) community, and to position students for academic success. This course will address the social (S) and academic (A) aspects associated with transitioning to college. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
INTR-D 111 Sail Success Course Part II +
The CNHS transition course, part two, focuses on professional development and transferable skills useful for aspiring healthcare professionals. This course will address interprofessional (I) and leadership (L) development. More Info
Offered in:INTR-D 120 CSM Freshman Transition Seminar +
The Freshman Transition Seminar is a one-credit, pass/fail course intended to assist new freshmen in the CSM Freshman Interest Group (FIG) program effectively transition into the college environment. Topics to be covered will include university resources and tools, academic planning, short- and long-term goal development, career exploration, and critical university skills. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
INTR-D 121 CSM Freshman Transition Seminar II +
Part II of the CSM Freshman Transition Seminar is the second half of a year-long course designed to assist first-year students with their transition to the UMass Boston community and position them for academic success. The second half of the course will focus on effective group work and communication, creating attainable long term goals, academic citizenship, and preparing students to take ownership of their academic career. Through class activities, assignments, workshops and discussion, students will learn what it means to work effectively as a group, communicate with one another and faculty members in a productive manner, and internalize the meaning of academic citizenship and their roles within CSM, UMass Boston, and the greater science community. More Info
Offered in:INTR-D 135 Connected Futures +
In this course you will learn and practice skills associated with finding mentors, people to help you with different aspects of your academic and professional lives. You will learn how to better cultivate a network of caring mentors and people to support you throughout your career. Over the semester you will participate in weekly classes that include training in identifying potential mentors in your social networks and practicing strategies for connecting with mentors through role-playing as well as real-world conversations and interviews. More Info
Offered in:INTR-D 170 UTeach Step 1: Inquiry Approaches to Teaching +
Step 1 gives students the opportunity to explore teaching a career. Students will be introduced to the theory and practice behind excellent inquiry-based science and mathematics instruction, guides them through the process of designing and preparing to teach lessons in local, high-need elementary classrooms and to obtain firsthand experience in planning and implementing quality inquiry science and mathematics lessons. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
INTR-D 175 UTeach Step 2: Inquiry-Based Lesson Design +
In Step 2, students continue developing the lesson planning skills they learned in Step 1, as they become familiar with exemplary middle school mathematics and science curricula. After observing a lesson being taught in a local school district classroom, students work alone or in pairs to plan and teach three inquiry-based lessons to sixth-, seventh-, or eighth- graders. More Info
Offered in:INTR-D 187S Science Gateway Seminar I +
This Freshman Seminar Course, Intr-D 187S/188S), is organized along a theme of inquiry-based learning for students and faculty. Each participant has a role in understanding topics that are prevalent in the scientific community along with developing new information that might form the basic science investments of the future. This is a two-semester sequence, two credits each semester. Successful completion of the sequence will fulfill student's First-Year Seminar requirement. Course content will vary with instructor, but will focus on discussion of topics with broad societal impact, and will have important scientific underpinnings, with a particular focus on science topics. Using this approach, students will become increasingly familiar with and experienced in scientific discourse, the scientific method, and important new scientific findings. Desired outcomes will focus on student developing discovery skills, becoming self-driven learners, learning to work in groups and being successful at the university. This course will maximize students' potential for success in the university and the scientific community. There will be two major writing assignments with feedback on all submitted work. Grading will be based on class participation (Wiki's, class interactions), written papers, and an inquiry-based examination. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
INTR-D 188S Science Gateway Seminar II +
This Freshman Seminar Course, Intr-D 187S/188S), is organized along a theme of inquiry-based learning for students and faculty. Each participant has a role in understanding topics that are prevalent in the scientific community along with developing new information that might form the basic science investments of the future. This is a two-semester sequence, two credits each semester. Successful completion of the sequence will fulfill student's First-Year Seminar requirement. Course content will vary with instructor, but will focus on discussion of topics with broad societal impact, and will have important scientific underpinnings, with a particular focus on science topics. Using this approach, students will become increasingly familiar with and experienced in scientific discourse, the scientific method, and important new scientific findings. Desired outcomes will focus on student developing discovery skills, becoming self-driven learners, learning to work in groups and being successful at the university. This course will maximize students' potential for success in the university and the scientific community. There will be two major writing assignments with feedback on all submitted work. Grading will be based on class participation (Wiki's, class interactions), written papers, and an inquiry-based examination. More Info
Offered in:INTR-D 200G Special Topics Intermediate Seminar +
Intermediate Seminars provide students with an opportunity to develop their careful reading, clear writing, and critical thinking skills in an interactive classroom setting; and are a graduation requirement for students who matriculate with fewer than 90 credits. In Special Topics Intermediate Seminars, instructors pilot new disciplinary themes within this established General Education format. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
INTR-D 280 Special Topics +
Variable credit Special Topics course intended for one-time only course trials and similar offerings. More Info
Offered in:INTR-D 291 PACE Success: for students working in an on-campus apprenticeship +
Students working in an on-campus apprenticeship are taught to identify their specific skills and career readiness competencies and understand how those skills are transferable to off-campus opportunities. Students assess their career readiness, understand their transferable skills, promote those skills through resume/cover letter writing and mock interviews. The course finishes with goal setting and a final paper. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
INTR-D 480 Special Topics +
Variable credit Special Topics course intended for one-time only course trials and similar offerings. More Info
Offered in: