English as a Second Language Courses
ESL 100A Speakng and Listening I +
This course focuses on developing speaking and listening skills that will help students function in their other academic course work. Students participate in small-group work, make oral presentations, and report on first-hand research projects. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ESL 100B Reading Comprehension for College-Level Texts I +
This course, which focuses on developing reading comprehension skills for college-level reading.Students are introduced to a range of texts and asked to develop and analyze their own reading strategies through class discussion and written responses to the texts they read. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ESL 100C Academic Writing I +
This course, which focuses on critical thinking and the writing process.It encourages the expression of ideas through class discussion and journals and introduces students to more formal academic writing. Students learn to write critically about reading, and to develop strategies of brainstorming, revision and organization. They are evaluated on the basis of a portfolio of written work. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ESL 100D Academic Writing II +
Like ESL 100C, this course focuses on critical thinking and the writing process. But it builds on and extends this work by the assignment of longer essays that require students to analyze and synthesize the readings. Students are evaluated on the basis of a portfolio of written work. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ESL 100E Reading Comprehension for College-Level Texts II +
Building on strategies learned in 100B, this course focuses on developing facility with longer, and more complex academic readings. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ESL 100F Speaking and Listening II +
This course focuses on developing speaking and listening proficiency in academic study. Students are given practice with academic lectures, note-taking, and oral presentations. More Info
Offered in:- TBA