Engineering Courses
ENGIN 103 Introduction to Engineering +
Via team projects and discussions, students will discover the tools of engineering design, data analysis and modeling, estimations, spreadsheets, oral presentations, logbook, written reports, web page building, movies making, graphical programming, teamwork, leadership, project management, and problem-solving skills. Not only for prospective engineering students, also for those seeking important skills to succeed in college and/or the job market. More Info
Offered in:ENGIN 104 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering +
Students will work in teams to build and test electrical circuits and to explore the basics of signal processing and data modeling. The essentials of computer programming are introduced using languages such as LabVIEW and Matlab with the goal of enabling students to use the computer effectively in subsequent courses. Students will develop codes in computer languages such as LabVIEW and Matlab to analyze circuits and to design and apply digital filters. Teamwork, logbook, presentations, and report writing are integral components of the course. More Info
Offered in:ENGIN 202 Statics (Mechanical Engineering) +
A vector treatment of the equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies. Topics include: vector algebra, forces, moments, couples, equations of equilibrium, free-body diagrams, graphical techniques, constraints, structures and mechanisms, friction, centroids and moments of inertia, the method of virtual work. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ENGIN 211L Engineering Mathematics +
In this course students will learn important math concepts and techniques they will need to study engineering topics such as circuit analysis, signal processing, electromagnetic fields and wavers, etc. Topics include complex numbers and functions. Laplace transform, Fourier series and transform, first and second order differential equations, partial differential equations, vector differential calculus, matrix algebra, and probability and statistics. For each of these topics, engineering applications will be emphasized, and when appropriate, numerical solutions will be introduced. More Info
Offered in:ENGIN 231 Circuit Analysis I +
Mathematical models for circuit elements, basic circuit laws, techniques for writing and solving circuit equations. Circuit theorems, operational amplifiers, first- and second-order circuits. Numerical methods of circuit analysis. More Info
Offered in:ENGIN 232 Circuit Analysis II +
Analysis of AC circuits using phasors, mutual inductance and the dot convention, ideal transformers, power analysis, balanced three-phase circuits, frequency response and Bode plots, transfer functions, and application of Laplace and Fourier transforms in circuit analysis. Students use PSPICE to check their results. More Info
Offered in:ENGIN 241 Digital Systems with Lab +
Concepts of digital measurement, counting, timing and switching, basic logic concepts, basic theorems in Boolean algebra, manipulation of logic statements, binary information gates, application of logic gates, flip-flops and multivibrators, counters, registers and readouts, and other combinational and sequential circuits. More Info
Offered in:ENGIN 246 Computer Organization and Assembly Language +
Introduction to the organization of general-purpose computers and assembly language programming. Topics include: fundamentals of CPU design, Instruction Set Architectures (ISA) design, number systems and computer arithmetic, datapath and controller abstraction and design, parallelism and pipelines, hierarchical memory design and operation, input/output systems and storage, and assembly language programming. More Info
Offered in:ENGIN 271 Circuit Lab I +
An introductory electrical measurements and linear circuit analysis laboratory to accompany ENGIN 231 (Circuit Analysis I). Topics include voltage and current division in resistive networks, circuit theorems, operational amplifiers, first- and second-order circuits, power transfer, capacitors and inductors. More Info
Offered in:ENGIN 272 Circuit Lab II +
An electrical measurements laboratory to accompany ENGIN 232 (Circuit Analysis II). Topics include ac power and phase measurements, frequency response, transformers, Laplace and Fourier analysis. More Info
Offered in:ENGIN 304 Engineering Design +
ENGIN 304 is a course in Engineering Design which counts as an elective for Engineering majors. Topics include CAD, manufacturing processes, human-centered design, failure analysis, and project management. More Info
Offered in:ENGIN 321 Signals and Systems +
The concepts of signals and systems arise in all areas of technology, e.g. signal processing. This course provides an introduction to the analysis of linear systems in the time- and frequency-domain, e.g. what is the output of a system if we know the input and the impulse response function or the transfer function of the system, how to characterize a system by stimulating it and measuring the output signals. Students will learn about the input/output differential or difference equation, the convolution theorem and its applications, the continuous- and discrete-time Fourier and Laplace transforms, and how to use Matlab in solving problems. More Info
Offered in:ENGIN 322 Probability and Random Processes +
An introduction to probabilistic description (via the probability density function or distribution function) and statistical description (via the ensemble average, variance, etc.) of random signals as applied to the analysis of linear systems. Other topics include conditional probability, statistical independence, correlation, sampling theory, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, stationary and ergodic processes, auto-correlation and cross-correlation functions, spectral density, and their interconnections. More Info
Offered in:ENGIN 331 Fields and Waves +
The course will cover topics including vector analysis, electrostatic fields in vacuum and material media, stationary currents in conducting media, magnetostatic fields in vacuum and material media, Maxwell's equations and time-dependent electric and magnetic fields, electromagnetic waves and radiation, transmission lines, wave guides, and applications. More Info
Offered in:ENGIN 341 Advanced Digital Design +
The course will cover topics including tools and methodologies for top-down design of complex digital systems. Important topics include minimization, mixed logic, algorithmic state machines, microprogrammed controllers, creating and using a gold model, data and control path design, and data movement and routing via buses. Design methodologies covered include managing the design process from concept to implementation, gold model validation, and introduction to design flow. A hardware description language is used extensively to demonstrate models and methodologies, and is also used in design exercises and projects. More Info
Offered in:ENGIN 342 Computer Communications and Security +
This course introduces the communication methods of modern computers and devices along with the associated data privacy/security concerns and methods to address such concerns. Students will develop an introductory understanding of network hierarchy and modular design of computer communication systems. The course will first cover physical layer modulation schemes for wired/wireless data communications and data link layer standards for error detection/correction and medium access in wired networks, wireless local area networks (WLANs), and cellular networks. Network and Transport layer protocols will then be introduced and evaluated. Performance metrics for capacity, fairness, security, and reliability will be introduced at different layers of the network stack. More Info
Offered in:ENGIN 346 Embedded Systems +
A hands-on approach to embedded system design and implementation. Topics include characteristics and programming of embedded systems, interrupt management, I/O interfacing and communication with peripheral systems for data acquisition, sensing, and control. More Info
Offered in:ENGIN 351 Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices +
ENGIN 365 Electronics I with Lab +
A brief introduction to semiconductor physics, leading to physical characteristics of pn junction diodes, bipolar junction transistors, and field effect transistors. Circuit models for diodes, transistors and operational amplifiers and their use in practical circuits. Analysis of linear circuits based on application of circuit models of devices and circuit theory. More Info
Offered in:ENGIN 366 Electronics II with Lab +
Continuation of ENGIN 365. Differential, operational amplifiers and applications, transistor amplifiers at very high frequencies, direct-coupled and band-pass, small- and large-signal, feedback amplifiers; and oscillators. Active filters, waveform generation including Schmitt trigger, multiplexers, A/D and D/A converters. Circuit design employing IC operational amplifiers, discrete devices, SPICE. An electronic design project constitutes a major part of the course. More Info
Offered in:ENGIN 435 Antenna Design +
This is a course for electrical engineering majors in antenna design and applications. Topics covered include: how radiation works; common antenna types; antenna design techniques and rules of thumb; physical laws that limit realizable performance; antenna metrics; and antenna performance in a system. More Info
Offered in:ENGIN 442 Internet of Things +
This course teaches foundations and applications of Internet of Things (IoTs). IoTs is a global network infrastructure, linking physical and virtual objects using cloud computing, data capture, and network communications. We will cover fundamental concepts of IoT system analysis and design, cloud computing, sensor data collection/analysis and its interfacing with microcontrollers, communication between IoT objects, smartphones, and Internet-based computing resources, and application of machine learning techniques in IoT data analysis and control. More Info
Offered in:ENGIN 446 Computer Architecture Design +
An introduction to computer architectures; analysis and design of computer subsystems including central processing units, memories and input/output subsystems; important concepts include datapaths, computer arithmetic, instruction cycles, pipelining, virtual and cache memories, direct memory access and controller design. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ENGIN 448 Operating Systems +
An introduction to operating systems including design fundamentals and applications in real-time, embedded, and mobile systems. Topics include basic structure of operating systems, file systems, kernel, I/O device management, device drivers, process management and communication and scheduling, security and protection of operating systems, and the design and resource management of real-time operating systems, mobile systems, and distributed systems. More Info
Offered in:ENGIN 451 Semiconductor Device Design, Simulation and Fabrication +
This hands-on course will cover topics including design, simulation, fabrication, and characterization of basic semiconductor devices made of either silicon or compound III-V semiconductors as well as the fabrication methods needed to produce such devices. More Info
Offered in:ENGIN 471 RF/Microwave Circuits +
This course is the first of a two course sequence on modern microwave engineering. This course will cover primarily passive circuit design and analysis, specifically: transmission line theory and waveguides, microwave network analysis, impedance matching and tuning, power dividers and couplers, microwave resonators, and microwave filters. This course will utilize computer-aided design (CAD) tools as well as a microwave laboratory experience for assignments and team projects. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ENGIN 478 Independent Study +
Study of an engineering topic or work on a research project by a student or group of students under faculty supervision on subjects not currently offered in a regularly scheduled course. More Info
Offered in:ENGIN 480 Special Topics +
An advanced course offering intensive study of selected topics in engineering. Course content varies and will be announced prior to registration. Several topics may be offered as needed. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ENGIN 491 Senior Design Project I +
ENGIN 491, Senior Design Project I is the first semester of the two-part, two-semester Senior Design Project sequence (ENGIN 491/492) designed to help students prepare to make the transition to the Engineering workplace. During the first semester (ENGIN 491), students work in project teams to create a design solution to an engineering problem, and use their technical writing and presentation skills to produce a project plan and design report. More Info
Offered in:ENGIN 492 Senior Design Project II +
ENGIN 492, Senior Design Project II is the second semester of the two-part, two-semester Senior Design Project sequence (ENGIN 491/492) designed to help students prepare to make the transition to the engineering workplace. As a continuation of ENGIN 491, during the second semester (ENGIN 492), students work in project teams to implement the design solution to an engineering problem that they came up with in ENGIN 491, and continue to practice their technical writing skills to produce final reports as well as technical manuals for their device/software, in addition to presenting their products and/or findings to a group of panelists consisting of people as potential customers. More Info
Offered in: