GRAD > gghs
Global Governance and Human Security Courses
gghs 695 Independent Study +
Study of a particular area of this subject under the supervision of a faculty member. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
gghs 696 Independent Study +
Study of a particular area of this subject under the supervision of a faculty member. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
gghs 697 Special Topics +
This course offers study of selected topics within this subject. Course content and credits vary according to topic and are announced prior to the registration period. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
gghs 710 Human Security +
gghs 711 Global Governance +
This course provides an in depth overview of the rapidly proliferating literature on the nature of global governance, its architecture, pieces, actors, functions, and outcomes. Global governance itself continues to evolve, creating an increasingly complex, dense, and less coherent patchwork. The borderline between public and private activities is increasingly blurred as private companies and foundations become important providers of public goods, services, and standards. "Regime complexes" have emerged in the areas of food security, refugee protection, maritime piracy, energy, trade and the environment, and international forests. Nongovernmental organizations. (NGOs) continue to be a driving force on many policy issues and active participants in the construction of global governance for many issues. Intergovernmental international organizations (IGOs), while still central to global governance in many areas, are increasingly seen as weak or failing to perform adequately. This course examines how all these mechanisms interact to provide global governance in contemporary world politics. More Info
Offered in:gghs 712 Gender and Human Security +
Drawing on examples from across the globe, this course will explore how attention to gendered assumptions and hierarchies can refine and deepen our understandings of the way conflict, violence and (in)security are affecting everyday life, communities, societies, and regions in different parts of the world. The course will develop skills in gender analysis, and use them to evaluate the impact of culturally-specific gendered assumptions and practices on state security and realist thinking, the "new wars" of the post-Cold War period, the emergence of human security with its focus on freedom from fear and want, and the critical reactions to this move. The course aims to move beyond established approaches to security, including human security, and to develop a more gender- sensitive analysis of theory, policy and practices seeking to address (in) security issues in our increasingly complex, unequal and global world. More Info
Offered in:gghs 713 International Relations Theory +
This course is intended to provide students with the tools to read and participate in the academic field of international relations (IR) in which discussions of global governance and human security are often embedded. Its focus is on theories of international politics and on the construction of the academic field, rather than on current world events. The course is divided into three parts. In the first we examine one of the core philosophical debates separating different understandings of international relations, that between realists and liberals. In the second we discuss approaches to international relations theory across different levels of analysis, from the level of the individual decision-maker to the level of the structure of the international system. In the third and final part we look at different methodological approaches to the study of international relations, from the inductive to the deductive to the critical. More Info
Offered in:gghs 714 Doctoral Colloquium in Global Governance and Human Security +
The goal of the colloquium is professional development, helping students to develop skills for and knowledge of academic processes that do not fit into existing topic and theoretical courses. These skills focus on the real-time analysis of work by other scholars, and the presentation of one's own work to academic and professional audiences. More Info
Offered in:gghs 715 International Organization +
This course provides an in depth overview of core institutions and actors in global governance - intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) with primary emphasis on the former. IGOs provide organization structures and decisions processes that comprise elements of governance for managing a wide array of global and regional interdependence issues. The scope of the field of international organization has vastly increased in the last twenty-five years, and this course surveys both the variety of theoretical approaches to studying IGOs and the broad range of topical issues that various IGOs address. More Info
Offered in:gghs 716 Global Health and Development: Concepts, Policies, and Practice +
The course examines the evolution, key concepts and practice of global health as an emergent field. It is concerned with engaging and exploring the dominant themes, key relationships, and central questions that radiate from the trans-disciplinary field of global health. The aim is for students to critically engage the global public health questions and concerns introduced in the course. Students will apply analytical thinking skills to understand a range of global public health and development problems and trends, implications, and responses. More Info
Offered in:gghs 780 Doctoral Research Design +
The purpose of this course is to help each student combine his/her methodological skills, his or her knowledge of conceptual frameworks developed in the core courses, and his or her research interests to produce a successful research proposal. This is the final required course in the PhD program in Global Governance and Human Security. At the end of the course, each student will have produced one or both; 1) a research proposal for his or her PhD project and 2) a grant proposal seeking the necessary funds for research. More Info
Offered in:gghs 781 Doctoral Research Group +
The goal of the research group is professional development and the development of research and writing skills. These skills focus on the design and execution of research projects intended from the outset to be written up as grant proposals and for peer-reviewed journals. The focus of the class is thus on the process of writing for publication, rather than researching and writing a topic dictated by the topical focus of the class. More Info
Offered in:gghs 790 Applied Social Science Research Methods in the Field +
This graduate-level course aims to equip students with field research techniques in social science research. The emphasis is on field-based qualitative research methods and data gathering techniques for doctoral and master's students to use in challenging settings on key governance, health, development and related concerns, especially (but not only) in the developing countries. A primary objective and output of the course is for students to develop a field-based research proposal that frames a social research problem; and more clearly defines the research design and accompanying research methods -to advance the students' thinking/work on their master's or dissertation proposal, while thinking through key aspects of the field research portion of their research. Principles, practice, debates and ethics concerns are also covered in the course. More Info
Offered in:gghs 795 Independent Study +
Study of a particular area of this subject under the supervision of a faculty member. More Info
Offered in:gghs 796 Independent Study +
Study of a particular area of this subject under the supervision of a faculty member. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
gghs 797 Special Topics +
gghs 895 Independent Study +
Study of a particular area of this subject under the supervision of a faculty member. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
gghs 896 Independent Study +
Study of a particular area of this subject under the supervision of a faculty member. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
gghs 897 Special Topics +
gghs 899 Dissertation Research +
This course focuses on research conducted under faculty supervision, leading to the presentation of a doctoral dissertation. More Info
Offered in: