School Psychology Courses
SPY G 601 Issues and Ethics in School Psychology +
This course addresses the professional identity and function of the psychologist in the public school setting. An intensive analysis of philosophical, technical, and administrative issues is conducted. The organization and operation of schools, federal and state educational laws, ethical issues and dilemmas, APA standards, and nondiscriminatory assessments are explored in depth. The course also examines contemporary educational issues that go beyond the role of the individual psychologist. The most current issues in the field are discussed. A pre-practicum field component is required. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
SPY G 602 Standardized Assessment and Report Writing +
The purpose of this course is to develop basic skills in the individual assessment of intellectual and cognitive functioning. Both theoretical and practical aspects of the assessment process will be emphasized. Factors affecting test results, including racial, cultural, and ethnic diversity, language difference, and ability difference, will be considered. Successful students will become proficient in test administration and scoring, assessment planning and interpretation using the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) theory, and communicating assessment findings orally and in writing. Topics include ethical, professional, and legal aspects of cognitive assessment, understanding and minimizing bias in testing, and approaching assessment with a social justice lens. This course is designed for counseling and school psychology students only as the tests covered in this course are secure instruments that can be administered only by appropriately-credentialed psychologists. More Info
Offered in:SPY G 603 Foundations of Educational Assessment and Data-Based Decision Making +
This course is an advanced introduction to assessment in core achievement domains (e.g., reading, mathematics, writing) that focuses on norm-referenced and curriculum-based assessment. It emphasizes educational assessment as a means of problem solving and using data from educational achievement measures to guide or inform decisions pertaining to: screening, progress, link to interventions, learning outcomes, and special education eligibility. Students are expected to demonstrate proficiency in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of achievement tests, in using assessment data to inform intervention recommendations, and in communicating findings orally and in writing. Success in this course is a primary indicator of student readiness for practicum. More Info
Offered in:SPY G 604 Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Assessment and Intervention +
This course develops competence in administering and scoring selected personality, behavioral, social/emotional, and adaptive behavior measures, and in preparing meaningful interpretations of those test results. Topics include psychological theory and practical issues involved in clinical assessment. Close attention is paid to the psychometric adequacy of various assessment methods, ethical aspects of assessment, and issues of clinical judgment. Emphasis is placed on multi-method, multi-source strategies using approaches such as direct observation, interviewing techniques, rating scales, and self-report measures. The projective hypothesis and projective methods are reviewed, including storytelling and drawing techniques. Special issues in cross-cultural assessment and in assessing minority students and students with disabilities are considered. Links between assessment results and intervention recommendations are stressed. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
SPY G 607 School-Based Interventions and Data-Based Decision Making +
Attention is focused on the techniques of synthesizing educational, child development, and psychological information into effective prevention programs as well as individual and group interventions for students at-risk for special education and with disabilities. The course uses a problem solving approach and the theoretical and practical underpinnings of the evidence-based practice movement to facilitate student development, monitoring, and evaluation of effective academic, social, emotional, and behavioral intervention strategies with emphasis on direct and indirect evidence-based interventions. The course will also emphasize data-based decision making pertaining to matching treatments to reasons for problems students are experiencing, progress monitoring, as well as determining student responses to intervention. More Info
Offered in:SPY G 608 Systems Consultation, Prevention, and Organizational Change +
This course is designed to provide students with competencies regarding system-level prevention programming in schools and organizational change. The course will provide theoretical, empirical, and practical foundations for school prevention programming as it related to the academic, behavioral, socio/emotional, mental health and crisis related problems in grades k-12. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
SPY G 612 Learning and the Curriculum +
This course uses theoretical and applied perspectives to explain how children and adolescents develop skills and knowledge in schools. Theoretical perspectives emphasize ecological, behavioral, and cognitive models of learning. With regard to application, theoretical perspectives on learning point to curriculum as a source of learning objectives and goals intended to guide instruction and assessment. Empirical research pertaining to instruction, assessment, and curriculum will be reviewed for purposes o using a rigorous evidence base to evaluate curriculum programs in core content (e.g., English language arts, mathematics). More Info
Offered in:SPY G 635 Behavior Therapy in Schools +
Understanding and managing student behavior is critical for educator to establish a positive and effective learning environment. Research supports the use of positive behavior supports and interventions to address challenging behaviors in order to increase active academic engagement and adaptive behaviors for all students, especially high risk populations. The purpose of this course will be to develop knowledge and skills int he principles of applied behavior analysis and to apply these principles and procedures to individuals and classrooms. Functional behavior assessment procedures covered include indirect assessments, descriptive assessments, and functional analysis. Treatments covered include antecedent intervention, differential reinforcement procedures, extinction, and punishment among others. Mastery in this course will be obtained through readings, participation in lecture/discussions, preparing for exams, and completing assigned projects. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
SPY G 653 Culturally Responsive Practice & Social Justice in School Psychology +
This course is designed to provide an introduction to cultural, socioeconomic, and ethnic factors that impact service delivery by counselors and school psychologists in schools. Students will develop an appreciation for and understanding of their own cultural, socioeconomic, and ethnic backgrounds. From there, they will develop appreciation for and understanding of their clients-children and adolescents in schools, their families, and entities that support them-as well as other educators and professionals in the educational systems. More Info
Offered in:SPY G 685 Practicum I: School-Based Assessment & Intervention +
Each student is matched with a practicing school psychologist 1.5 days per week in order to apply the skills consistent with the NASP practice model. 250 clock hours (125 hours per semester) of field experience are required in addition to attending the weekly seminar. The purpose of this course is twofold: 1. To provide graduate students in school psychology a field-based practicum experience in an urban setting with students of diverse backgrounds. Activities will focus on individual and systemic variables as well as policies and practices while engaging in the implementation of consultation, assessment, prevention, and intervention activities. Formal and informal needs assessments will be a continuous aspect of this practicum with services determined by the needs identified by students, staff, and administration. 2. To provide graduate students in school psychology a group supervision experience via the weekly seminar, during which students will build professional skills and critical personal qualities through reflection and peer support. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
SPY G 686 Practicum II: School-Based Assessment & Intervention +
Each student is matched with a practicing school psychologist 1.5 days per week in order to apply the skills consistent with the NASP practice model. 250 clock hours (125 hours per semester) of field experience are required in addition to attending the weekly seminar. The purpose of this course is twofold: 1. To provide graduate students in school psychology a field-based practicum experience in an urban setting with students of diverse backgrounds. Activities will focus on individual and systemic variables as well as policies and practices while engaging in the implementation of consultation, assessment, prevention, and intervention activities. Formal and informal needs assessments will be a continuous aspect of this practicum with services determined by the needs identified by students, staff, and administration. 2. To provide graduate students in school psychology a group supervision experience via the weekly seminar, during which students will build professional skills and critical personal qualities through reflection and peer support. More Info
Offered in:SPY G 687 Practicum in School Psychology III +
This Practicum is a continuation of Practicum I and II and integrates assessment and intervention services provided. It provides student with the opportunity to attain additional field work hours prior to the 1200 hour internship. Students are assigned to a school site, with a supervising school psychologist, and complete 250 field work hours over the course of a semester. Additionally, they meet with the university supervisor/seminar instructor on a weekly basis after school hours. Student performance on site is assessed via evaluation by the field supervisor; student skills in conducting psychoeducational evaluations and case studies is assessed by the university supervisor/seminar instructor. This course can be repeated for credit. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
SPY G 688 Internship in School Psychology +
This full-time practicum/internship placement consists of at least 600 clock hours of full-time fieldwork experience at both the elementary and secondary school levels, under the supervision of a practicing certified school psychologist. The two required repetitions of this course provide the 1,200 clock hours of supervised fieldwork required for state and national certification. The first internship must be in an approved school setting. The second may be in a school setting or a clinical setting (under the supervision of a licensed or certified psychologist). University supervision and the approval of the program coordinator are required. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
SPY G 689 Internship in School Psychology +
The internship placement consists of a full-time fieldwork experience at the elementary, middle, and high school levels, under the supervision of a practicing licensed school psychologist. This course provides 1200 hours of supervised internship required for state and national certification. The first 600 hours of the internship must be in an approved school setting. The second may be in a school setting or a clinical setting (under the supervision of a licensed or certified psychologist). Students take this course in conjunction with an internship seminar. The seminar includes lectures and discussions about state and national certification requirements, case studies, assessments and multidisciplinary evaluations, legal and ethical concerns, issues of inclusivity, diversity, equity, and access, and general topics related to the internship experience. Capstone portfolio and daily log are required. University supervision and the approval of the Program Director are required. The course is taken for 6 Lecture Hours (6 credits during fall semester), and 6 Lecture Hours (6 Credits during spring semester). More Info
Offered in:SPY G 696 Independent Study in School Psychology +
Research and reading in an area of school psychology chosen by the student and approved by the instructor. Open only to matriculants in the School Psychology program. More Info
Offered in:- TBA