Special Education Courses
SPE G 607 Behavioral and Classroom Management +
This course identifies major theorists, techniques, and procedures for facilitating constructive behavior in the classroom. Topics include observational recording systems, contingency contracting, and monitoring of behavioral progress. Emphasis is on pro-social skill development and classroom structures conducive to collaborative learning. Field-work components are included. More Info
Offered in:SPE G 621 Introduction to Disabilities for Educational Professionals +
This course focuses on the physical, cognitive, behavioral, and psychological aspects of the atypical developmental patterns of children and adolescents with varying disabilities. Emphasis is given to the conceptual frameworks for understanding normalcy, including cultural, racial, ethnic and linguistic expectations, family, community, and peer group norms, and gender roles and stereotypes within the context of today's urban schools. Legal definitions of disabilities are stressed as well as the range of learning differences within typical development. This course includes a fieldwork component More Info
Offered in:SPE G 624 Standardized Assessments for Students with Moderate Disabilities, PreK-12 +
This course examines standardized assessment procedures and tools for nondiscriminatory screening and identification of students with special educational needs (PreK-8 and 5-12). Primary emphasis is given to appropriate administering, scoring, and interpreting norm-referenced and criterion-referenced tests designed to assess student learning styles and academic achievement. Through field-based experiences participants administer a test battery to an individual student and learn how to analyze patterns of strength and weakness, how to synthesize findings into professional reports, and how to determine appropriate goals, objectives, and instructional recommendations. More Info
Offered in:SPE G 625 Reading and Writing Assessment and Instruction for Students with Moderate Disabilities, Pre K-8 +
This course explores the major causes of difficulties in reading, spelling, and writing (PreK-8). Topics include the description and evaluation of a variety of effective teaching approaches, methods, and materials used in teaching students with diverse special needs in these areas. Attention is given to matching appropriate methods of teaching to the student's learning style; to models of teaching and learning in inclusionary settings; and to the mechanics of writing an effective IEP. The course includes a field-work component. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
SPE G 626 Math, Science, and Social Science Assessment and Instruction for Students with Moderate Disabilities +
This course explores the major causes of difficulties in math and the content areas (Pre-K-8). Topics include the description and evaluation of a variety of effective instructional approaches, methods, and materials used in teaching students with diverse special needs in these areas. Attention is also given to career education and social skills training and their infusions within an across-the-curriculum framework. The course includes 15 pre-practicum hours. More Info
Offered in:SPE G 629 Consultation and Interpersonal Skills +
Students demonstrate an understanding of the principles involved in consultation and interpersonal skills. Intervention strategies and interviewing techniques will be stressed. Discussions include dynamics of the team process, roadblocks to communication, and analysis of a school system, with subsequent in-service recommendations. Students have an opportunity to apply these learned skills while examining theory concurrently. The course includes a fieldwork component. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
SPE G 630 Building Collaborative Partnerships with Families of Students with Disabilities +
The course focuses on implementing effective strategies in working with parents of exceptional children. Participants become sensitive to the issues of parenting a child with special needs and learn to establish a collaborative relationship with parents that makes the best possible use of available resources. More Info
Offered in:SPE G 631 Clinical Teaching: Secondary +
This course focuses on the development of teaching strategies to be used with the secondary learner with special needs (5-12) in the basic academic skill areas. The mechanics of writing an effective IEP are addressed. In addition, the critical issues of adolescent development are examined with respect to choosing appropriate alternative strategies. The course includes a fieldwork component. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
SPE G 632 Alternative Strategies +
This course presents an overview of the vocational assessment process and alternative vocational training programs for the secondary special needs learner. A central strand examines transition to work and adult life. The course includes a fieldwork component. More Info
Offered in:SPE G 633 Legal and Political Issues in Special Education +
The field of special education is governed by laws (Chapter 766, PL 94-142, PL 101-476, and PL 99-457) and is thus subject to the political process. This course addresses the critical legal aspects of special education, with an in-depth review of legislation, regulations, and current practice issues. The major goal of the course is to clarify for special education teachers their obligations under the law, and to develop strategies for implementing the law with full compliance. More Info
Offered in:SPE G 654 Youth Development and Self Determination +
This graduate-level secondary transition course focuses on youth development and the importance of preparing youth to take the lead in their education, career development, and community participation. Upon completing this course, scholars will understand the principles of youth development and self-determination and be able to integrate these principles into their work with all youth. This course has 15 fieldwork hours that is intended to assist scholars to enable youth to create a vision for life after high school, create goals and objectives to meet that vision, and assume a leadership position in transition planning activities. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
SPE G 655 Career Development and Competitive Employment +
This graduate-level, secondary transition course is designed to give participants both an overview of the career development process and a student-centered framework for career preparation. course goals are based on career-related transition competencies, and are designed to help participants assess students' career interests, use formal and informal career assessments, assist students to develop a course of study related to career interests, identify and assist students to engage in career exploration activities, incorporate connection activities into a student's career plan, and develop work-based learning opportunities. Field-based assignments involve identifying a focal person/student, and using a student-centered approach to career development and planning, in order to pave the way for integrated, competitive work experiences during and following high school. As with other courses in this program, participants in this class will hear from experts across the state whose focus is on career awareness and development for youth with and without disabilities. More Info
Offered in:SPE G 656 Postsecondary Education for Students with Disabilities +
This graduate-level, secondary transition course is designed to give participants an overview of postsecondary education options and the processes of applying for, enrolling in, and completing a postsecondary education course of study, using a person-centered framework. In particular, participants will learn how important it is that youth with disabilities are better prepared for college, both academically and with self-determination skills, and what specific documentation of disabilities is needed to insure receiving appropriate accommodations from disability services on campus. Participants in this class will work directly with a student with a disability who has expressed an interest in attending college as a bridge to integrated paid employment. Field-based assignments will involve a focal person interested in postsecondary education, who will be supported to develop an action plan, visit a college,and begin to compile an e-portfolio. More Info
Offered in:SPE G 657 Transition Topics +
Transition Topics covers a variety of subjects that influence secondary transition for students with a wide range of abilities and disabilities, such as those with healthcare issues or mental health challenges, those in foster care or the justice system, students from diverse cultural and linguistic background or who have dropped out of school, in addition to students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Topics include transition-related laws, the requisite use of the State Performance Plan (SPP) for the Annual Performance Report (APR), the state's Transition Planning Form (TPF). Also covered are age-appropriate transition assessments, measurable postsecondary IEP goals, Summary of Performance (SOP), family involvement in planning, interagency collaboration, social security and disability benefits, self-determination and guardianship, healthcare issues that impact transition, community living options, social networks, transportation, and technology and accommodations. Participants will have a choice of options for both an individual student support project and a case study presentation, which offer opportunities to apply promising practices in transition to authentic student, classroom, school, or district circumstances. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
SPE G 658 Transition Leadership +
This course addresses training and sustainability activities required for transition education to be institutionalized in school districts across the Commonwealth. Participants will be equipped to take a lead in establishing up-to-date transition practices in their respective school districts. To this end, participants will learn how to develop and lead professional development workshops that demonstrate that the transition related needs of students with disabilities is a shared responsibility. Field-based assignments will include presenting a series of transition-related, in-service workshops to educators and/or human services professionals and attending professional meetings for MA transition specialists and other transition stakeholders. More Info
Offered in:SPE G 661 Autism Spectrum Disorder: Foundations & Characteristics +
This course focuses on providing an understanding of autism including the co-morbid conditions associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and he differences between a medical diagnosis of autism and the definition of the term autism under state and federal special education laws. The course will address knowledge of the unique characteristics of autism as related to communication, social/emotional development, behavior, sensory processing, cognition, and learning. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
SPE G 662 Autism Spectrum Disorder: Assessment and Collaboration +
This course focuses on assessment of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) including: an ability to identify, administer, and interpret a range of formal and informal tools in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner that assess the unique strengths, skills (including academic , social, behavioral and adaptive) and learning styles of students with autism ages 3-22. Knowledge of how ongoing assessment and data collection can be used to inform instruction, services and supports; monitor progress and rates and patterns of skill acquisition; and ensure the maintenance and generalization of skills across settings. Understanding and supporting the roles of other disciplines and professionals involved in the education of students with autism and facilitation coordination and collaboration of relevant IEP team members, including parents or caregivers, related service providers and medical professionals, to meet the unique needs of students with autism and a culturally sensitive manner. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
SPE G 663 Autism Spectrum Disorders: Programs, Services, and Supports +
This course focuses on the design of effective educational programs and individual supports for students with ASD based on peer-reviewed research to the extent practicable to support students in the least restrictive environment. Knowledge of the range of specialized and individualized instructional strategies and supports for students with autism, including assistive technology, to address needs related to the core symptoms of autism will be discussed. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
SPE G 664 Autism Spectrum Disorder: Field Experience +
This course focuses on the field-based experience required for the Massachusetts Autism Endorsement for Educators (603 CMR 7.00). Due to the varying nature of the presentation of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) within individuals, candidates' eligible for the endorsement should be evaluated based on the demonstration of course- and field-work experiences and assignments that comprehensively and specifically address the required competencies. This course meets the requirement of field experience working with students with ASD and includes related experience to focus upon core areas (e.g., classroom climate, assessment, instructional practices, social skill development, working with paraprofessionals and other school staff, working with families). More Info
Offered in:- TBA
SPE G 684 Computers in Special Education +
Universal Design for Learning is the model used for evaluating software and assessing school-specific and classroom-specific uses of technology to support the learning of students with special needs. The course focuses on curriculum applications of technology that can improve the learning opportunities for all students, especially those with special needs, and enhance their problem-solving capabilities, organization skills, and social competence. Attention is also given to adaptive computing technologies that help students compensate for visual, auditory, motor, and/or cognitive limitations. More Info
Offered in:SPE G 692 Capstone Research Seminar in Special Education: Professional Licensure +
This course utilizes current research in educational practices and qualitative research methodology as a foundation for the critical analysis of the student's own teaching. Students conduct and original research project based on a thematic interdisciplinary unit, which allows them to evaluate the impact of the unit as well as reflecting on their teaching. This research project represents the final capstone experience required for M.Ed. Degree leading to Professional Licensure. More Info
Offered in:SPE G 693 Practicum: Transition Leadership I +
This seminar supports Transition Specialist (TS) candidates who are applying evidence-based transition policies and practices in high-need school districts in the first of semester-long practica. Assignments for this seminar are focused on supporting TS candidates as they work with and build the capacity of a school district to develop and sustain an interagency transition team that will support tall transition-ages students with disabilities. TS candidates will meet every week, via web conferencing, to discuss both the successes and challenges of team creation and facilitation. Related activities include determining team membership, securing commitment from members to meet regularly, communicating the purpose of the team, establishing roles and responsibilities for all members, setting goals and deadlines, and evaluation the team's effectiveness in meeting its goals. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
SPE G 696 Independent Study +
Faculty-directed course of study in a particular area of interest or a fieldwork experience. A detailed proposal of intent must be submitted to the faculty member prior to registration. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
SPE G 697 Special Topics in Special Education +
An advanced course involving intensive study of selected topics in special needs education. Course content will vary according to the topic and will be announced prior to registration. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
SPE G 698 Moderate Practicum +
A supervised practicum and seminar for trainees working with school-aged children identified as having mild to moderate special needs (Pre K-8, 5-12) who are receiving Chapter 766 services. More Info
Offered in: