Rehabilitation Counseling Courses
REHAB 602 Medical, Psychological & Educational Aspects of Disabilities +
The course is designed to offer students with little or no exposure to advanced life sciences the opportunity to examine the physiological and anatomical basis for many chronic diseases they will encounter in a rehabilitation counseling setting. Students examine the etiology, progress, and potential resolution of a wide range of disorders, as well as the potential implications consequent on these disabilities. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
REHAB 603 Foundations of Rehabilitation +
This course seeks to provide students with basic information about the process of rehabilitation and its history and philosophy. Discussions also focus on the organizational structure of the rehabilitation system, the professional identity of the rehabilitation counselor, and legal and ethical issues in the practice of rehabilitation counseling. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
REHAB 609 Psychiatric Rehabilitation +
This course is designed to assist students to (1) begin to work with individuals who have mental illness; (2) collaborate effectively within the community "network of care;' and (3) comprehend the experience of mental illness from a variety of perspectives. This course is designed to build student skills and knowledge in an array of areas including supported employment, social skills training, Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) development, co-occurring disorders, Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) and related modalities. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
REHAB 610 Ethics, Case Management and Planning in Rehabilitation +
This course acquaints students with case management in rehabilitation counseling and with the range of community resources available to the counselor whose goal is the effective and comprehensive rehabilitation of individuals with disabilities. Topics include case finding and case planning, service coordination, and client advocacy activities. More Info
Offered in:REHAB 611 Rehabilitation Counseling Portfolio +
This course will meet once per month ONLINE during the fall semester and during the first year in which the student is enrolled in the Rehabilitation Counseling program. All students will be expected to attend and participate in each monthly online class meeting. Each class meeting will focus on the various topics relevant to portfolio and professional development in Rehabilitation Counseling, including: 1) Course overview and an introduction to Taskstream as an e-Portfolio took, 2) Professional credentialing in rehabilitation counseling (licensure and certification, 3) Field placement opportunities in rehabilitation counseling (practicum and internship), and 4) Professional identity of self-marketing in rehabilitation counseling and career planning. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
REHAB 612 Vocational Rehabilitation and Placement +
This course seeks to provide students with information about the total vocational rehabilitation process, including follow-up services. Topics include the referral process; eligibility criteria; comprehensive (medical, psychological, vocational) assessment; vocational training; and placement. More Info
Offered in:REHAB 614 Motivational Interviewing +
The purpose of the course is to provide the student with an understanding of the basic skills of counseling related to active listening and accurate empathy. In addition the course will provide students with the foundation of the theory and practice of motivational interviewing as an evidence based practice in the rehabilitation counseling profession. Professional ethical sociocultural issues in the client/counselor relationship will be discussed. Lecture, role play, and audio will be used to augment the student's understanding of the process of change. More Info
Offered in:REHAB 615 Counseling Theories +
This course will focus on the range of different counseling theories and their application to different situations and needs of different individuals. Students will not only learn the theory behind the counseling approach, they will have the opportunity to practice the different approaches. Role-playing will be used to demonstrate different concepts. Throughout the class, students will begin to develop their personal approach toward counseling and will discuss how to integrate the different theories into their counseling. Students will learn how to integrate these theories into practice in developing a therapeutic relationship and in supporting individuals in crisis. More Info
Offered in:REHAB 620 Innovative Best Practices in Employment for People with Intellectual Disabilities +
This online graduate level course provides students with a comprehensive approach to the provision of Vocational Rehabilitation services to individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ID) and their families/caregivers. Students will gain knowledge and skills to assist individuals with ID by exploring barriers to employment, working collaboratively with family members/caregivers, developing community partnerships, and exploring multiple pathways to Competitive Integrated Employment for individuals with ID. Students will examine best practices in serving individuals with ID through reading relevant articles, case studies, reviewing multimedia resources, and participating in online discussion forums. More Info
Offered in:REHAB 688 Rehabilitation Practicum +
The purpose of the practicum is to expose the student to his/her particular field in counseling through actual placement in a facility where appropriate supervision is provided. Class discussions include a review onsite observations and experiences and discussions of current issues in the field. More Info
Offered in:REHAB 697 Special Topics +
REHAB 698 Rehabilitation Internship +
The purpose of the internship course is to provide students with actual work experiences. The internship consists of supervised field experience in a rehabilitation setting, such as a hospital, a state agency, a community agency or a private company. Additionally, students are required to attend a weekly seminar at the University which will be conducted by the instructor. The focus of the on-campus seminar is to 'review and critique students' implementation of rehabilitation counseling theory and practice, and to provide a forum for students to discuss issues arising at internship sites and to help each other with insights and emotional support. Video/audio tapes will be a major source of information for the review and critique. More Info
Offered in: