MBA Marketing Courses
MBAMKT 668 Entrepreneurship Sales & Marketing +
Entrepreneurship Sales & Marketing is a course that will prepare you for an entry level sales and marketing position in a startup initiative as well as prepare you to launch your own sales and marketing initiative in your own startup. Live role play scenarios with experienced sales and marketing entrepreneurs will prepare you for the multiple areas of responsibilities and interactions within a startup organization as well as outward facing prospect and customer responsibilities and interactions that are required in a startup. And you will be exposed to the overall process and tools that drive a sales/marketing organization in a startup. Students will also be provided preparation assistance and given priority consideration to the internships offered through UMass Boston's Student Entrepreneurship Program (StEP) More Info
Offered in:MBAMKT 670 Marketing Management +
This course focuses on the strategic decisions necessary to match organizational resources with market opportunities. Students learn to analyze market opportunities, to develop marketing plans and marketing mix strategies, and to manage implementation and control of the marketing plan. More Info
Offered in:MBAMKT 671 Marketing Research +
This course is intended to improve your ability to actually use research as a formalized means of obtaining information to be used in making decisions in the context of increasingly globalized, diverse, and information-oriented marketplace, business world, and nonprofit organizations. During the information collection, analysis, and report process, you will learn a set of fundamental marketing research skills of problems formulation, research design, measurement scale development, questionnaire design, data collection, basic and multivariate data analysis, report writing, and presentation. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
MBAMKT 672 Services Marketing +
This course examines what differentiates services marketing from the marketing of products. Special attention is given to the unusually intricate coordination of planning and interaction that the marketing of services requires among the traditional management functions of marketing, operations, human resources, and finance. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
MBAMKT 673 Marketing Communications +
This course helps students develop an integrated communications strategy, blending individual external elements such as advertising, personal selling, sales promotion (including direct marketing and trade shows), and publicity with internal communications. The course is managerial in nature and provides the student with the necessary ability to analyze, plan, implement, and control marketing communications programs. More Info
Offered in:MBAMKT 674 International Marketing +
This course introduces the student to a systematic treatment of marketing on a global scale. Topics include the world market environment and its characteristics; identifying opportunities; and the development, implementation, and control of multinational marketing programs. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
MBAMKT 676 Marketing Analytics for Big Data +
Organizations large and small are inundated with data about markets and consumers. But the wealth of information does not always translate into better decisions. Knowing how to interpret data is the challenge - and marketers in particular are increasingly expected to use analytics to inform and justify their decisions. Considering the significant impact the big data and analytics, this course will be focused on understanding and making sense of market data collected at various levels. Students will learn data analysis methods, learn how to use R - one of the fasted growing software programs in business analytics, and have hands-on experience of data analysis by applying those methods to real cases. More Info
Offered in:MBAMKT 677 Database & Internet Marketing +
MBAMKT 682 Digital Marketing Strategy and Practice +
This course introduces contemporary digital marketing strategies and practices. Digital Marketing is a key component of the organization's total marketing effort. Effective digital marketing strategies optimize identification, selection, acquisition, growth, and retention of desired customers to maximize long-term benefits for an organization and its stakeholders. This course concentrated on 1) creating and disseminating marketing content on digital channels, including email blast, webpage design, search engine optimization, live streaming, and mobile messaging; and 2) streamlining an organization's digital marketing process, including lead generation, salesforce automation, and customer experience management. Students who are interested in or responsible for the development of any major aspect of marketing will find this course beneficial. Students will incorporate strategical frameworks with practical tools, including customer information management, leading digital marketing applications, systems, and solutions. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
MBAMKT 691 Social Media Marketing +
Social media provide marketers with several important capabilities not present in most other media including interactivity and measurability. Social media platforms like Facebook, Foursquare, or Twitter have a fundamental impact on the way business and consumers behave, communicate and interact with each other. It is critical for business to understand these new media in order to benefit from them significantly. In this course, we will deal with the possibilities that Social media can offer companies and how they can be used to retain and interact with consumers. In this context, we rely partly on established theoretical models and best practice business cases. Special attention will be given to mobile services as well as the special characteristics of social media. More Info
Offered in:MBAMKT 696 Independent Study +
Independent study credit is granted only for academic work not normally offered in advanced courses. A student must find a faculty sponsor for his or her independent study project and then file a proposal for the project in the MBA Office. The proposal should be signed by both the student and the faculty sponsor. More Info
Offered in:MBAMKT 697 Special Topics +
This course addresses a specific topic in a particular discipline. Courses under this title are offered as one-time supplements to a given department's curriculum. More Info
Offered in:- TBA