MBA Accounting/Finance Courses
MBA AF 601 Economics for Managers +
Introduces the student to economic principles of particular interest to the firm manager. The course is divided roughly into two parts that deal with macroeconomic and microeconomic issues. In the macro section such key aggregates as gross domestic product, unemployment rate, inflation rate, and balance of payments, which are of importance to the firm manager, are discussed. Discussions focus on a critical examination of how these aggregates are measured and determined in various competing theoretical models. The theory discussed here then serves as an analytical tool in understanding and evaluating economic policies related to such current economic issues as unemployment, inflation, and trade imbalances. In the micro section, emphasis is given to a) the theory of markets, how prices and quantities are determined in markets and factors that affect these prices and quantities; and b) how firms compete in different market environments. Besides concentrating on the theory, special attention is given to how the concepts covered are applied to real-world microeconomic problems. More Info
Offered in:MBA AF 610 Accounting for Managers +
Instructs students in the fundamentals of financial and managerial accounting. The financial accounting component presents techniques used to measure business transactions, preparation of financial statements, recording and valuation of assets, owners' equity, revenue, cost, and expenses. The managerial accounting component deals with techniques for management decision-making, planning, and control. More Info
Offered in:MBA AF 611 Financial Accounting and Reporting +
This course provides knowledge of financial accounting concepts and principles, with particular emphasis on the application of these concepts and principles in practice. It covers in-depth analysis of the application of generally accepted accounting principles to various types of assets, liabilities, and stockholders' equity. This course is intended to familiarize students with the conceptual background and technical skills associated with preparation and interpretation of financial statements, and to improve students' communication skills and analytic abilities. Students will also have opportunities to discuss professional integrity and ethical issues using real-world cases. In addition, this course introduces topics on accounting data analytics within the scope of intermediate financial accounting. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
MBA AF 612 Managerial Accounting and Analytics +
This course covers the principles, techniques and challenges of strategic cost management and analytics. You will learn concepts and techniques that accountants and managers use to make planning and control decisions. This course revisits a few topics from Accounting for Managers (MBA AF 610), and builds upon this foundation to consider a number of traditional and contemporary topics such as job costing, allocation of support department costing, process costing and spoilage issues, cost allocation of joint products and byproducts, cost volume-profit analysis, activity-based costing and management, and performance measurement. The course includes a semester-long project designed to help students get some hands-on experience with managerial and cost accounting data collection and analysis. More Info
Offered in:MBA AF 613 Federal Taxation and Regulation +
This course explores federal income taxation and its impact on individuals and business entities. We will also cover legal and ethical issues and professional responsibilities in tax practice, and procedures in taxation. This course will help students analyze and apply federal tax laws and regulations to a variety of tax scenarios, prepare and evaluate tax returns for individuals, corporations, and partnerships, conduct comprehensive tax research and interpret tax rulings and decisions, and understand and navigate ethical and compliance issues in taxation. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
MBA AF 614 Auditing, Assurance, and Analytics +
The course involves the study of the theory and practice of professional auditing. The auditing environment has become more complex and dynamic today and the need for reliable assurance over financial reporting has intensified. This course is concerned with the technical and conceptual skills involved in an audit or examination of financial statements. Students will learn about concepts and applications related to financial statement auditors' professional responsibilities, audit evidence, internal control, audit risk, fraud consideration, audit planning, audit program, audit sampling, and audit report. Students will have opportunities to gain a better understanding of how the parts of the audit are interrelated and integrated by the audit process with a series of cases. Furthermore, given that the advancement in technologies has increased the amount of data available for analysis, we will discuss how audit data analytics are being used in all major phases of the audit. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
MBA AF 615 Contemporary Topics in Financial Reporting and Analytics +
This course is designed to deepen understanding of complex financial accounting issues relevant to contemporary business environments. It emphasizes applying advanced accounting principles and standards, particularly regarding corporate financial reporting and analytics. The course will cover the consolidation of financial statements, foreign currency transactions and translations, and accounting for not-for-profit organizations and government entities. It will also explore contemporary issues like financial instruments, hedge accounting, and accounting for crypto assets. Students will develop a comprehensive understanding of advanced financial accounting practices applied in real-world scenarios and apply various data analytics techniques to analyze current accounting issues. More Info
Offered in:MBA AF 616 Financial Statement Analysis +
This course focuses on the effective analysis of financial statements while integrating the concepts and principles learned in previous accounting courses. It teaches students how to make informed business decisions by reading, analyzing, and interpreting accounting information disclosed in financial reports. Contemporary and engaging business cases are used to highlight the analytical skills used in financial statement analysis with emphasis on the assessment of a company's profitability and risk. We also cover cost of capital estimation and firm valuation by discussing various valuation models. In addition to the data analytics assignments in the textbook, we incorporate data visualization and analytics into our course by utilizing Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) Classroom tools to help students interact with financial data and analyze/interpret data visualizations. Students are expected to understand the relevant toolsets of data analytics as well as their application in financial statement analysis and firm valuation. More Info
Offered in:MBA AF 618 Accounting Information Systems +
All aspects of accounting have been fundamentally changed by information technology and the Internet. Accountants have a critical role in providing relevant information for planning, decision making, and control. Due to the impact technology has on providing this information; accountants must have a thorough understanding of Accounting Information Systems (AIS) and also be proficient in the use of technology for providing information. In order to ensure the bright future of the accounting profession, we must use technology to its full advantage. In this course students will gain a basic understanding of AIS in the areas of 1) Information Systems, 2) AIS Applications, 3) Database Concepts, 4) Internal Control, 5) Data Analytics and 6) Auditing of AIS. In this course we will supplement lectures with active learning and group work in order to make class fun and interesting while we learn! Students will complete various software assignments to gain exposure to modern technologies. This is not a computer or technology course - it is a business and information course in which you will later apply theoretical concepts learned using computers. More Info
Offered in:MBA AF 620 Financial Management +
This course is intended to provide the student with a sound understanding and appreciation of the principles of corporate finance. The course covers the theory and practice of financial decision making by managers and describes how financial theory can be used to address practical problems and to illuminate institutional aspects of the financial world. Topics include the time value of money, capital budgeting, financial statement analysis, asset valuation, portfolio theory, capital structure, dividend policy, long-term financing, and issues of corporate control. The course enables students to develop the skills and intellectual framework for addressing a variety of financial problems. More Info
Offered in:MBA AF 622 Global Portfolio Investment Management +
The aim of this course is to explore portfolio investment management, i.e., the management of wealth in the form of readily marketable securities, in a global context. The focus is on extensions of investment theory and practice to a multi-country field of portfolio choice. Of special concern are variables and constraints that modify concepts and practices useful in the domestic US market. These include the problems of investing in a world of many currencies, differential economic growth, divergent institutional and legal environments, differing tuitional and legal environments, differing national accounting systems, and national valuation norms and practices. The course is of special interest to students preparing for possible careers in brokerage houses; in pension and mutual fund management; and as financial planners. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
MBA AF 623 Financial Modeling +
This course introduces the principles and techniques for building financial models, especially in an uncertainty framework. Topics covered include decision support systems, risk analysis, portfolio theory, and capital budgeting under uncertainty. The course integrates financial, accounting, and statistical concepts and techniques to construct financial models and to perform analyses using popular software applications, as well as emphasizing the application of financial modeling techniques in identifying and implementing business solutions. The course is of special interest to students seeking more hands-on experience in constructing financial models and more in-depth knowledge in financial software. More Info
Offered in:MBA AF 625 Options: Theory and Applications +
This course introduces students to options and related derivative securities. They have become an essential tool used in both corporate risk management and portfolio management. This course explores the institutional details of trade, theories of option valuation and practical strategies and methods for hedging risks and gaining specified exposures using options and related derivative securities. More Info
Offered in:MBA AF 626 International Financial Management +
Describes the body of knowledge, attitudes, and skills required of financial decision-makers operation in a global setting. The phenomenal rise in importance of multinational business finance and concomitant issues is explored in light of recent theoretical and empirical research. Specific topics include foreign exchange, risk management, financing decisions in the long and short run, currency translation, accounting, and taxation. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
MBA AF 628 Portfolio Analysis and Investment Management +
This course provides the student with an understanding of capital market securities, operations, valuation, and investment techniques. Specifically, the course covers definitions of various investment vehicles, operation of the NYSE and NASDAQ markets, portfolio theory (CAPM and APT), capital allocation decisions--including discussions of mutual fund selection. More Info
Offered in:MBA AF 631 Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing +
This course will introduce ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) investing, exposing students to ESG data and indicators, ESG impact on financial performance, and sustainable investment strategies. Environmental concerns and climate change are emerging as important business drivers and gaining the attention of accountants, financial managers, and investors. As investors and society require companies to become more socially and environmentally sustainable, the measurement, management, and external reporting of information about environmental risks and performance is of growing importance. Topics covered in the course include corporate environmental disclosure and reporting, environmental management accounting, carbon markets, green project analysis, corporate environmental risk assessment and valuation, socially responsible investing, and green banking. More Info
Offered in:MBA AF 632 Asset Management Practicum +
The course is designed to give the students a hands-on experience at performing investment research, investing money and managing a portfolio prior to entering the work force. Students are expected to generate investment ideas, research investment opportunities and make buy/sell/hold recommendations based on their analysis. The course will also provide an opportunity for students to work closely with money managers from Boston's financial services industry via the Student Manage Fund's advisory board. More Info
Offered in:MBA AF 633 Advanced Tax Compliance and Planning +
This course focuses on tax compliance and tax planning for both individual and business entities. The course also covers advanced taxation topics including the formation and liquidation of business entities, transactions between owners and business entities, nontaxable property transactions, estate and gift taxation, state and local taxes, and international taxation. Throughout this course, students will learn how to prepare and review complex individual and business tax returns. Students will also develop strategic tax planning solutions for complex scenarios, navigate IRS procedures, and engage effectively in managing tax dispute resolution. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
MBA AF 634 Financial Engineering and Risk Management +
The goal of this course is to provide students the fundamentals of financial engineering and corporate financial risk management. The course focuses on financial engineering using futures, forwards and swaps in developing business and risk management strategy. Specifically how do companies use financial engineering to manage risk caused by factors over which they have little control such as commodity prices, interest and exchange rates? The course covers both theoretical and practical aspects of financial engineering and risk management. Case studies are used to highlight the value of identifying, monitoring and managing financial risks. More Info
Offered in:MBA AF 636 Applied Econometric Analysis of Business Data +
The objective of the course is to familiarize students with the analytical foundations of econometric analysis of business data and with data management techniques using statistical/data analysis software. Particular emphasis will be placed on hands-on experience with data analysis and on the economic interpretation of empirical findings. The course will focus on learning a number of econometric techniques employed in finance, economics and management. The course will use data and applications that are drawn from the finance and economics literature as well as consulting practice. This course will also provide students with analytical tools for the development of a Master's thesis. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
MBA AF 637 Financial Reporting Fraud Examination +
Financial reporting fraud and earnings manipulation by managements of publicly traded companies are a continuing source of anxiety and concern to investors, creditors, regulators, and others who depend upon financial statements. As a special focus in the broader emerging field of fraud examination, students in this course will gain a thorough understanding of the knowledge of the nature, prevention, and detection of financial reporting fraud, also called financial statement fraud or accounting fraud. This course examines various aspects of financial statement fraud and the role that the 'financial reporting supply chain' plays in creating high quality financial statements. This course also introduces data analytical techniques to assess potential financial statement fraud and earnings management. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
MBA AF 640 Accounting Data Analytics +
Data has proliferated in business and managers and accountants need to understand the implications for decision-making and tap into the data to provide better insights into a firm/client/customer/supplier, etc. This course is intended to provide students with an understanding of data analytic thinking and terminology as well as hands-on experience with data analytics tools and techniques. Specific topics include but are not limited to data preparation, cleaning and data mining using SAS, data visualization using Tableau, data warehousing for managerial accounting tasks and performing audit forensics with the IDEA application. Students should leave this course with the skills necessary to translate accounting and business problems into actionable proposals that they can competently present to managers and data scientists. While there will be some use of tools in this course, the focus of this class is on concepts, not algorithms or statistical math or programming. More Info
Offered in:MBA AF 641 Financial Technology +
This course is the first and foremost step of the A&F curriculum development in blockchain, cryptoeconomics, and FinTech related areas. The course is designed to prepare students with the knowledge for the future of finance and to provide them with hands-on experience applying various analytical tools to solve real-world problems. Some key topics of the course are: web scraping and textual analysis; cryptocurrency and blockchain; natural language processing; crowd funding and P2P lending; machine learning applications (topic analysis, decision trees, and neural networks); networks in finance; cloud computing; computer vision and image classification. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
MBA AF 690 Industry Research Practicum +
This course is designed to help produce a research paper that reflects the student's in-depth understanding of a business area. Lectures and discussion will focus on the skills required to develop a research question, how to formulate an appropriate research strategy, and ways to identify necessary analytical tools and locate data sources. The course is intended to strengthen and highlight two key skills: Working independently and articulating ideas into tangible work products. This course can also be used as the first part of the two-course Master’s Thesis Option (MTO) that is intended to position students to successfully complete a year-long research project of publishable quality. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
MBA AF 691 Accounting Theory and Analytics +
This course examines the role of accounting information in the capital markets. Financial statements are widely used by bankers, analysts, and investors to evaluate a firm's past and future performance. This course explores a variety of financial reporting contexts, industries and business strategies to provide students with an understanding of accounting information across various corporate environments. This course will help students gain an understanding of theoretical models and sophisticated quantitative models in financial reporting and to integrate the concepts into real big data. Students will learn the required data analytics skills to understand, analyze, and produce solutions to challenges in accounting. More Info
Offered in:MBA AF 696 Independent Study +
Independent study credit is granted only for academic work not normally offered in advanced courses. A student must find a faculty sponsor for his or her independent study project and then file a proposal for the project in the MBA Office. The proposal should be signed by both the student and the faculty sponsor. More Info
Offered in:MBA AF 697 Special Topics +
This course addresses a specific topic in a particular discipline. Courses under this title are offered as one-time supplements to a given department's curriculum. More Info
Offered in:MBA AF 699 Master's Thesis +
Upon invitation by the faculty, MBA candidates may complete a Master's thesis. The thesis will be a substantial paper, which demonstrates extensive original research/scholarship in the field. The thesis will be prepared under the direction of an individual faculty advisor and defended before a committee of three faculty members. A thesis proposal must be approved in the semester prior to registration for the course by the proposed faculty advisor and by the Graduate Program Director. During the research and writing process, progress in research and drafts of the thesis will be critiqued in regular conferences with the faculty advisor. More Info
Offered in:- TBA