Environmental Sciences Courses
ENVSCI 600 Responsible Conduct in Research +
This first year graduate course will introduce students to the many aspects of scientific integrity and responsible conduct in research (RCR). We seek to provide a learning experience for students that will enable them to:1. Develop and refine skills needed to solve problems involving relevant topic areas of responsible scientific conduct; 2. Be able to clearly articulate --both verbally and in writing --ethically and legally acceptable solutions to problems posed about scientific conduct; 3. Develop a positive attitude towards life long learning in the matters of scientific integrity and responsible research conduct. More Info
Offered in:ENVSCI 601 Introduction to Probability and Applied Statistics +
The course will analyze basic probability theory, probability distributions useful for modeling environmental processes - including binomial, Poisson, exponential, normal, geometric, hypergeometric, Chi-square, F, and Student's t - conditional probabilities & Bayes' theorem, random variables, & expected values, the central limit theorem, and parameter estimation. The course focuses on software-based hypothesis testing including p-values & confidence limits, Monte Carlo simulations, Type I and II error & power, Student's t tests and non-parametric alternatives, contigency tables & goodness-of-fit tests, regression, correlation, and one-way randomized block ANOVA. The course will make extensive use of programming software (e.g., Matlab or R). More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ENVSCI 603 Coasts and Communities I +
This course defines and explores methods of linking critical disciplinary perspectives important to defining and solving environmental problems. The course will focus on the relation among natural and human systems in coastal regions of the world. Through the lens of climate change and urbanization this course will cover fundamental aspects on earth system interactions including hydrology, geology, geochemistry, physical oceanography, and ecology. This course is combination lecture and discussion. More Info
Offered in:ENVSCI 604 Coasts and Communities II +
This course explores human system interactions with the environment through the lens of climate change and urbanization. The course uses conceptual modeling and problem solving to explore the role of governance, business, and communities in the development and implementation of sustainable solutions to environmental problems. More Info
Offered in:ENVSCI 607 Introduction to Environmental Innovation Clinic +
This course gives students a new set of tools for and experience in finding and developing innovative approaches for addressing environmental problems. The course explores various creativity methodologies and identifies, in collaboration with stakeholders, prospects for applying innovative strategies to address current environmental challenges. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ENVSCI 611 Applied Statistics +
This course is designed to prepare students to design and analyze experiments and field studies using ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) and regression techniques, including generalized linear regression. Analyses will be performed using Matlab, SPSS/PASW or R. both online and in-person versions will use discussion boards extensively and 2-3 hours of virtual office hours will provide 1-on-1 help with computer analyses and statistical concepts. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ENVSCI 622 Introduction to Zooplankton Ecology +
Zooplankton can be called the cows of the sea. These animals range in size from 200 mm to .1 mm and are the food supply for many commercially important fish, whales, and other large animals. This course will examine the different classes and functional groups of marine zooplankton, with an emphasis on copepods and tunicates. Zooplankton morphology, physiology, ecology, and geographical distributions will be discussed in detail and related to larger environmental issues, e.g., global warming, eutrophication. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ENVSCI 623L Introduction to Geographic Information Systems +
This course teaches the concepts, principles, approaches, techniques, and technologies of geographic information systems (GIS)The specific topics include essential elements of a GIS, hardware requirements and system integration, technologies and techniques for acquiring spatial data, spatial data models, data structures, data formats, database models, spatial analysis and modeling, cartographic design, implementation of a GIS, and environmental and socioeconomic applications. Hands-on exercises on ArcView are assigned each week. More Info
Offered in:ENVSCI 629 Advanced Topics in GIScience +
This course is an advanced GIS graduate course focusing on quantitative methods in spatial analysis. It is meant to promote critical thinking and explore current technical advances in GIS. Students will examine GIS applications in detail, and gain "hands-on" experience with current spatial modeling software in an applied area. Students will also gain experience in planning and outlining an applied GIS project, learning the specific techniques required for the project, and advancing the project through to completion. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ENVSCI 630 Biological Oceanography +
The course analyzes the processes governing the population dynamics of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and benthos. The course stresses the interaction between marine biology and relevant aspects of physical, chemical and geological oceanography. The course has a special emphasis on applied benthic ecology, especially the effects of pollution on the coastal zone. Other topics include the microphytobenthos, modeling competition, predation & benthic community structure, zooplankton grazing & predation, satellite remote sensing, and the effects of climate change on marine populations. More Info
Offered in:ENVSCI 632 Groundwater Hydrology +
Students will obtain a general understanding of groundwater hydrogeology, including a solid grounding in the geology of groundwater occurrence, processes that lead to the flow of subsurface waters, and methods employed in the study of groundwaters and aquifers, as well as the fate and transport of groundwater contaminants. More Info
Offered in:ENVSCI 635 Environmental Toxicology +
The course will impart basic principles of environmental toxicology, focusing on toxicological assessment, types and mechanisms of toxicological response, the properties and effects of specific groups of toxicants released into the environment (e.g., PAH, PCB, pesticides, metals, dioxins/dibenzoofurans), and an overview of current issues facing the rather broad field of environmental toxicology. Toxicological responses will be discussed at all levels of biological organization, from the molecular/biochemical, cellular, and organismal up through the population, community, and ecosystem. Biochemical toxicology will be particularly emphasized with respect to toxicant absorption, internal partitioning/transport, metabolism/detoxification, sequestering, targeting, and elimination. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ENVSCI 640 The Chemistry of Natural Waters +
A basic description of the chemistry of natural and especially marine waters designed to lay the foundation for more advanced course work. Emphasis will be on the chemical composition of natural waters and the identification of the important chemical, physical, and biological processes controlling their composition. A case study, emphasizing the multidisciplinary nature of these processes, will be given at the end of the course. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ENVSCI 641 The Geochemistry of a Habitable Planet +
Geochemistry is a unique field integrating geology and chemistry to tell the story of a planet. In this class, we will use geochemistry to reconstruct the story of our Earth, a habitable planet. Along the way, we will explore principles in isotope geochronology, trace element geochemistry, aqueous chemistry, stable isotope geochemistry and chemical proxies in dynamic systems. More Info
Offered in:ENVSCI 642 Laboratory for the Geochemistry of a Habitable Planet +
This course is designed to introduce the theory, applications, and operation of modern instrumental methods for geochemical analysis earth materials. The course aligns laboratory activities with ENVSCI 641 to reinforce key geochemical concepts through discovery. Students will be introduced to a wide spectrum of instrumental techniques and will gain an understanding of the analytical approach to problem solving. More Info
Offered in:ENVSCI 646 Global Ecology +
This course reveals key examples of the vast network of long distance ecological connections across the biosphere. Emphasizing a visual, interactive, and interdisciplinary approach, students explore the impacts of air currents, symbiosis, bacteria as global organism, biogenic depositions, algal interactions, and climate disruption. Students are also introduced to inspiring science-based grassroots and indigenous leaders around the world. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ENVSCI 650 Physical Oceanography +
This course introduces the physical processes active in the ocean environment, including coastal and estuarine regions, and investigates the connection between those processes and observed physical characteristics of the ocean. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ENVSCI 654 Professional Science Communication +
Advances in science depend upon systematic communication regarding theories, methods, observations and findings. At the same time, the development of technology and sound public policy depend upon advances in science. This course is designed to familiarize students with the wide range of models, methods and media that are employed in scientific communication. Assignments will include the construction of written documents such as abstracts, research proposals, and research reports as well as articles and notes for general audiences; visual presentations such as slides, posters, and graphs; and oral communications such as presentations, testimony and interviews. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ENVSCI 657 Fluvial Hydrology +
This course will introduce the student to streamflow hydrology and fluvial processes. Topics will include field measurement techniques, the hydrodynamics of moving water, channel form, sediment transport and commonly used statistical methods such as flow duration and flood frequency analysis. Students will learn how these topics and techniques are linked and utilized in water management and river restoration. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ENVSCI 668 Social Ecological Systems Dynamics +
This course will advance students understanding of social- ecological systems, how social-ecological systems change over time, and how a system dynamics modeling approach is ideal for understanding social-ecological systems. Students will focus on fundamental concepts of system dynamics and the modeling process by using real-world environmental issues. System Dynamics is an ideal methodology for studying sustainability research questions because it provides the qualitative and quantitative tools for: (i) Understanding the feedbacks, accumulation, nonlinearities, surprises, delays within social ecological systems; (ii) Tracing the roots of the problem by studying in depth the structure and the processes underlying the relationships between social and ecological systems; (iii) Testing alternative policy and management scenarios and designing sustainable pathways of development. More Info
Offered in:ENVSCI 674L Climate and Energy: Law, Policy and Management +
This course examines legal, public policy and management issues related to Climate Change as well as those related to the siting, development and distribution of renewable energy. It begins with an on international overview of the socio-economic forces shown to influence climate change, the legal and economic mechanisms that have emerged to address such change and the evolving global energy portfolio (particularly efforts to develop renewable energy). More Info
Offered in:ENVSCI 675L Economics of Renewables: Marine and Energy Resources +
This course introduces students to the use of economic analysis in helping to solve marine and energy related natural resource problems. The first part of the course focuses on the economic theory used to analyze natural resource and energy issues. In the latter half of the course these theoretical tools will be used as a framework to analyze a wide range of issues dealing with marine resources and renewable energy. The purpose of the course is to expose students to sufficiently rigorous economics analysis to enable them to appreciate the usefulness of the economic approach to resource and renewable energy problem solving and to critique economic analyses they may be presented with in future decision-making roles. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ENVSCI 676 Optical Methods for Monitoring Aquatic Environments +
This course is designed for student interested in using optical methods to monitor aquatic environments. It will introduce students to basic concepts and principles of optical relationships, various methods in measuring optical properties of aquatic environments, the variations of these properties in different environments, as well as steps to obtain large-scale data products from satellite remote sensing. The course will also provide examples on remotely sensing oil spills, harmful algae blooms, etc. and on skills and analyzing aquatic environment. Students are expected to have basic knowledge in oceanography and remote sensing as well as statistical skills to evaluate relationships between various environmental properties. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ENVSCI 691 Current Literature in Environmental Sciences +
A series of one-credit seminar courses focusing on subfields of environmental science, designed to help students develop the habit of keeping up with recent developments through reading scientific journals. The seminars also provide a forum for discussion of significant new findings in the field as well as discussion and critique of the students' own research. More Info
Offered in:ENVSCI 697 Special Topics in Environmental Sciences +
This course provides an opportunity for presentation of particularly timely lecture/laboratory/field material which does not fall under the purview of any other course. More Info
Offered in:ENVSCI 698 Projects in Environmental Sciences +
A practicum resulting in a substantial written report based on library, laboratory, or field research which involves an original project. Up to 6 credits from this course may be applied to the MS degree, over more than one semester. More Info
Offered in:ENVSCI 699 Thesis Research +
Research conducted under faculty supervision which leads to the presentation of a master's thesis. Up to 10 credits from this course may be applied to the MS degree, over more than one semester. More Info
Offered in:ENVSCI 726L Coastal Zone Policy, Planning, and Management +
This course introduces and evaluates the legal, political, and social factors that most directly affect the planning, policy and management of coastal area resources. Both conceptual and case-oriented literature are reviewed, in order to familiarize the student with the evolution and practice of coastal zone policy, planning and management generally in the U.S., and particularly in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ENVSCI 791 Seminar in Environmental Sciences +
Presentations and discussions of current topics in environmental sciences by students and visiting lecturers. More Info
Offered in:ENVSCI 796 Independent Study in Environmental Science +
Independent laboratory and/or library studies under the direction of a faculty member. More Info
Offered in:ENVSCI 798 Internship in Environmental Sciences +
Students are placed individually at private-sector or government institutions in order to gain practical training and professional experiences not available on campus. Each placement is jointly supervised by an individual at the host agency or company and by a faculty member. More Info
Offered in:ENVSCI 899 Dissertation Research +
Research, conducted under faculty supervision, which leads to the presentation of a doctoral dissertation. More Info
Offered in: