Exercise and Health Science Courses
EHS 610 Exercise and Aging +
This course addresses current theories of biological aging, the physiological alterations associated with age and chronic disease, and benefits of physical activity and chronic exercise in the aging process. Students will learn how to screen and assess health status and fitness levels and develop exercise recommendations for older adults, understand the basic pathophysiology of common age-related diseases/conditions, and develop appropriate exercise tests and programs for older adults with these diseases/conditions. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
EHS 625L Quantitative Research Methods +
This course is designed to provide graduate students with a background in quantitative research design to promote an understanding of the scientific literature and to assist in future research pursuits. In this course, students will become familiar with the scientific research process, ethical issues related to research basic concepts of statistics and measurements, various types of quantitative research, and interpretation and reporting of research results. Student will prepare and present a research proposal as part of the course. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
EHS 630 Advanced Health Fitness and Nutrition Assessment +
The course is designed to provide hands-on experience for health and fitness professionals. The laboratory experience will be used to generate new knowledge and provide practical experience for assessment of human health, physical fitness, and nutrition. The course serves an important role in training graduate students for professions in areas such as cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, clinical expertise physiology, sports medicine, and community and worksite fitness/health promotion. More Info
Offered in:EHS 635 Project and Program Management in Health Promotion +
Successful managers of projects and programs mobilize a group toward a shared vision. To do so while managing resources and stakeholders requires a systematic approach, skill, and planning. This course will use theory, supportive research, and experiential learning opportunities to enable students to lead and manage a broad range of health promotion efforts in diverse settings including public health agencies, community organizations, or fitness centers. More Info
Offered in:EHS 650 Obesity and Weight Management +
This course describes characteristics of the global obesity epidemic and its health and economic consequences. Students learn the scientific basis of energy balance, energy metabolism, the regulation of body weight, and are introduced to neuroendocrine appetite regulation and the genetics of obesity. The importance of regular physical activity, health nutrition and health behavior change to prevent/reduce obesity in children and adults is emphasized. Students study important psychosocial factors related to obesity and explore emerging strategies for obesity treatment, including pharmacological and surgical approaches. More Info
Offered in:EHS 655 Advanced Physical Activity and Health +
The primary purpose of this course is for students to develop an understanding of the relationships among physical activity, exercise, and health across the lifespan, be able to identify key behavioral and social determinants of physical activity behaviors, and identify evidence-base approaches to promoting physical activity at the individual, community and population levels. The course focuses on gaining experience reading peer reviewed scientific literature, and understanding how research is used to guide physical activity programs and policies. This course provides an overview of the epidemiological evidence on associations between physical activity and a variety of health outcomes with an emphasis on chronic cardio-metabolic disease and cancer, key determinants of physical activity behaviors in different populations, and effective approaches for increasing participation in physical activity. Special attention is given to developing critical thinking skills and understanding the application of epidemiological methods to the science of physical activity and health outcome. The class is also structures to provide opportunities for in-depth analysis and discussion as to how various research methods are used to study physical activity. More Info
Offered in:EHS 656 Advanced Nutrition and Health +
The primary purpose of this course is for students to develop an understanding of the relationships between nutrition and health across the lifespan. The course focuses on gaining experience reading peer reviewed, scientific literature, and understanding how science is used to guide nutrition program planning. This course provides an overview of the evidence of the epidemiological association of nutrition with a variety of health outcomes with an emphasis on chronic cardio-metabolic disease and cancer. More Info
Offered in:EHS 670 Designing Exercise and Health Promotion Interventions +
This course focuses on advancing knowledge and skills in the development of interventions for exercise and health promotion using the socio-ecologic framework as the foundation. Students learn an intervention mapping approach to assist in the conceptualization, planning, implementation, and dissemination of health promotion programs to groups, organizations, and populations. Students will design a potentially workable intervention for a specific health problem, health behavior, and target population to develop practical skills for health promotion and research careers. More Info
Offered in:EHS 680 Clinical Exercise Physiology +
This course focuses on the role of exercise in managing several common chronic disease conditions. Risk reduction and the treatment of chronic conditions using exercise will be addressed. The chronic conditions studies in this course are endocrine and metabolic diseases (such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity) pulmonary diseases (such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), and cardiovascular diseases (such as heart failure, cardiovascular disease, and peripheral artery disease). Graded exercise testing and prescription in clinical populations will be included. More Info
Offered in:EHS 682 Exercise Metabolism +
This course provides an in-depth view of energy metabolism, particularly as affected by acute and chronic exercise. It covers the physiology of several related processes, including the main energy-producing systems, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue physiology, hormonal regulation of substrate utilization, and immune function related to metabolism. The course includes readings from textbooks or review articles, and readings and presentations by the students of original research articles on pertinent topics. More Info
Offered in:EHS 685 Applied Exercise Physiology +
This is an advanced course designed to integrate basic physiology and relevant exercise science knowledge to provide students an in-depth understanding of acute and chronic effects of exercise on various physiological systems (e.g., skeletal muscle, cardiovascular and respiratory systems) in humans. Within this framework, bioenergetic and physiological control mechanisms will be presented relative to exercise performance. The course builds on principles and concepts learned in undergraduate courses in the area of exercise physiology such as EHS 385 (Exercise Physiology I). More Info
Offered in:EHS 690 Proposal Development +
EHS 696 Independent Study +
Study of a particular area of this subject under the supervision of a faculty member. More Info
Offered in:EHS 697 Special Topics +
This course offers study of selected topics within this subject. Course content and credits vary according to topic and are announced prior to the registration period. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
EHS 698 Practicum +
The purpose of the graduate practicum is to provide students with a capstone experience in the fields of exercise of health sciences. This experiential course, which can be field- or laboratory-based, and located on site at UMass Boston or off-campus, provides an opportunity for students to apply relevant clinical, communications and management skills. The practicum is designed to support students' translation of knowledge acquired in prior EHS courses to actual skill-based practice. In close consultation with the course instructor and major advisor, the student is placed in an EHS department-approved site to complete a minimum of 100 hours of experience. In addition, the student attends a class meeting once per month. The classroom meetings provide a forum for students to reflect on and assess their practicum learning experiences with their course instructor and peers. Discussion extends beyond the student's skill practicum experience to include on-going evaluation or re-evaluation of career goals. More Info
Offered in:EHS 699 Thesis +
EHS 710 Physical Activity Intervention, Chronic Disease and Disability in Aging +
This course provides the learner with scientific and clinical evidence on the interplay between physical activity, and typical and atypical physiological processes in humans. The course will explore the pathological pathways of age-related chronic disease and disability, and the impact of physical activity interventions. Learners will understand how exercise and physical activity can be implemented to improve the quality of life typical and atypical populations. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
EHS 731 Body Composition Assessment +
This course examines the body composition assessment methods that are used in varied populations (children, adults, older adults, certain disease states and fitness levels), both in laboratory and field settings. Standardized reference, laboratory and field methods will be discussed with special emphasis on the strengths and limitations of each technique for populations that vary by gender, racial/ethnic background, age, athletic status and health status. The theoretical basis for each technique will be discussed along with the sources of measurements. error. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
EHS 740 Human Motor Control and Movement Dysfunction +
This course provides the learner with the foundational content of motor control and learning of humans as it relates to both research and clinical settings. Course content will cover the theoretical framework of how humans are able to control, adapt, coordinate, and learn while interacting with their environment (locomotion). The learner will be prepared to effectively examine and/or treat patients with motor control dysfunction due to aging and disease using evidence-based practices. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
EHS 745 Theoretical Foundations of Health Behavior +
This course will primarily focus on public health and health promotion theories and models used to understand and modify health promoting and risk-associated behaviors in individuals, groups, and populations. Through lectures, readings, discussions, written assignments, and oral presentation students will explore contemporary theories and models of health behavior and examine their use in public health and health promotion research and practice. An overall goal of the course is to have students begin to appreciate the importance of using theoretical or conceptual framework in programs or interventions designed to positively influence health behaviors. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
EHS 772 Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention +
This course is a graduate level course focused on the epidemiology and public health approaches to prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The course is an introduction to the epidemiology of CVD focusing on the distribution and determinants of CVD and related conditions in the populations, and the applications to control of such diseases. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
EHS 775 Statistical Methods for Epidemiology +
This course covers study design and intermediate-level data analysis techniques for handling confounding in epidemiologic studies. Confounding is carefully defined and distinguished from interaction/effect modification. Course content covers stratification and multivariable techniques for controlling confounding in both matched and independent sample study designs, including analysis of covariance, logistic regression, and proportional hazards models. Model fit and prediction are discussed. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
EHS 783 Neuromuscular Aspects of Exercise in Obesity and Cancer +
The main objective of this course is to provide an in-depth understanding of skeletal muscle structure and function and neural control of muscle contraction. Special emphasis will be focused on the effects of obesity and its relationship with metabolic diseases (e.g., diabetes) and cancer on neural and muscular function and adaptations to exercise training. This course will provide a basis for in-class discussions regarding neuromuscular adaptations. to endurance training and resistance training , disuse, sarcopenic obesity, cancer-related muscle loss, and muscle injury. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
EHS 784 Cardiovascular Aspects of Exercise in Clinical Populations +
This course is designed to address specific principles and concepts of cardiovascular physiology as they apply to physical work in clinical populations. Topics covered include cardiac function, blood flow, and vascular function. This course engages in discussion of cardiovascular responses and adaptions to both acute and chronic aerobic and resistance exercise training. In addition, the beneficial effects of exercise on the components of the cardiovascular system and the mechanisms through which regular exercise provides cardioprotection are highlighted. Abnormal cardiovascular response and adaptations to exercise/exercise training in clinical populations will also be discussed when relevant. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
EHS 786 Exercise Endocrinology and Metabolic Disorders +
The main objective of this course is for students to gain a better understanding of the endocrine system, its response to physical exercise and the metabolic disorders associated with endocrine dysfunctions. Chemical messenger systems are essential for tissues to communicate and maintain homeostasis when subjected to environmental stressors. Therefore, this course will provide an in-depth review of 1) the major glands and tissues that secrete chemical messengers (hormones, cytokines), 2) the ability of acute exercise and exercise training to regulate chemical messengers, 3) the physiological consequences of endocrine adaptation to exercise, and 4) clinical disorders associated with endocrine dysfunction and the effects of exercise. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
EHS 787 Neurovascular Exercise Physiology in Health and Cardiovascular-Related Disease +
This course provides the learner with an in-depth understanding of the integration between the nervous and cardiovascular systems with regard to exercise in populations of health and cardiovascular-related disease. Concepts covered include neural control of the heart, kidneys, blood vessels, and skeletal muscle, and the acute and chronic effects of exercise on these areas of neurovascular physiology. These concepts are addressed in non-clinical and clinical populations, including healthy young adults, healthy older adults, and patients with cardiovascular-related disease. More Info
Offered in:EHS 790 Professional Skills & Grant Writing for Exercise Science +
This course is to provide students with advanced training in professional skills and grant writing in exercise and health sciences. Students will have the opportunity to learn about different careers in academia, industry, and government, and basic job Interview and salary negotiation skills. Students will be exposed to the academic conferences and journals in the field, and will learn how to conduct a job interview, submit a scientific abstract, give a poster or oral presentation, and submit a manuscript. Students will also learn how to write a student grant, and submit a draft grant application. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
EHS 825L Advanced Quantitative Research Methods I +
The goal of this required, core course is to provide expertise in empirical research methods. Students will make an in-depth examination of methods used in exercise and health science research. Students will critically analyze scientific, peer-reviewed research, provide critical analysis in written and oral form, and take a leadership role in facilitation group discussions such as semi-structured journal clubs. Skills in methodology will be developed starting from generation hypotheses based on theories and literature reviews to data collection and management. Students will become proficient at developing proposals for valid empirical studies including descriptive and experimental designs to test hypotheses. Ethical issues related to research and concepts of statistics and measurements will be covered to complement required research courses such as EHS 820 Professional and Ethical Issues in EHS and NURSNG 760 Biostatistics courses. Students will prepare and present a research proposal as part of the course. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
EHS 887 Advanced Topics in Exercise and Health Sciences +
This course explores and evaluates current concepts in the understanding of function of physical activity and exercise on physiology and health promotion. Particular emphasis is placed on the understanding current scientific literature, research methods, and clinical implementation of advanced exercise science topics. Students will be exposed to research in the field of exercise and health sciences. The course includes readings from textbooks or review articles, and readings and presentations by the students of original research articles on pertinent topics.The emphasis is on communicating knowledge across different areas of exercise and health sciences. More Info
Offered in:EHS 897 Special Topics +
This course offers study of selected topics within this subject. Course content and credits vary according to topic and are announced prior to the registration period. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
EHS 898 Directed Research in Exercise and Health Sciences +
The directed study offers the student the opportunity to continue their studies in an in-depth manner in a subject/topic of their choice. The student will work with their primary advisor to devise methods to further explore and evaluate current concepts in their area of study while working on skills and competencies that are required inthe field of exercise science. Particular emphasis is placed on the understanding current scientific literature, research methods, and clinical implementation of advanced exercise and health science topics. More Info
Offered in:EHS 899 Dissertation +
Mentored research for the presentation of a doctoral dissertation. More Info
Offered in: