Early Childhood Education Courses
ECHD 601 Foundational Understandings of Early Childhood/Early Intervention and Special Education +
This course explores the historical background of legislation, policies and procedures influencing children's educational services (Birth-2nd grade). There is a comprehensive review of educational services for children, including community services, health services, families, informal and formal group settings; such as home childcare and public schools. The tenets of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) are explored in their impact on instruction delivery and modes of assessment. A philosophical viewpoint, including moral and ethical perspectives, is developed and strengthened with appropriate literature. The basic tenets of teacher inquiry are reviewed and practiced. This course requires 10 hours of observation in early intervention, preschool or public school programs that serve students with special needs and from diverse ethnic/language backgrounds. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ECHD 608 Introduction to Infant and Toddler Care and Education +
This course examines the strengths and needs of infants and toddlers with regard to communication, motor, problem solving, and personal-social domains. Types of programs serving infants, toddlers and their families, focusing on the design of optimum environments and curricula, will be studied. Special topic issues of infants and toddlers with disabilities and/or at risk for developmental delays, child development and referral to early intervention will be explored in depth. This course is designed to teach students how to apply theory, research and evidenced-based practices with infants and toddlers (prenatal-3 years). The coursework is developed on the premise of an ecological systems model using culturally responsive and diverse abilities practices. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ECHD 611 Development and Characteristics of All Young Learners Including Those with Special Needs. +
This course covers the span of physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and moral development of children from birth through second grade. Implications for curriculum and instruction from brain research findings and their significance for learner differences are explored. The appropriate technical terminology used to convey those concepts is addressed. The significance of the sociocultural and political contexts for the implications of the codifications of development along with the consequences of medical and health access are discussed. The course is delivered utilizing Universal Design for Learning (UDL) level-appropriate strategies and assessments. More Info
Offered in:ECHD 621 Creating Effective Learning Environments and Fostering Positive Social Interactions +
Students explore the relationship of space, time, curriculum and instruction in creating the most positive and effective learning environments for young children. Careful consideration is given to the supports young children need to develop skills in learning and social interactions, including self control, attention, initiative, separation issues appropriate to age and development. Field experiences include observations in medical settings, early intervention and home and group educational facilities. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ECHD 622 Observing, Documenting and Assessing in Early Childhood/Early Intervention +
This is an introduction to early childhood measurement and assessment techniques. The course covers fundamentals of psychometric theory, structure and uses of standardized tests and skills for alternative classroom assessment techniques for child study. The principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in assessment are identified and practiced. Candidates learn about goals, benefits, and uses of assessment. They systematically observe, document, and use effective assessment strategies in responsible ways-in partnership with families and other professionals- to positively influence children's development and learning. This course requires 10 hours of clinical observation in various settings, including natural settings (home, day car, Head Start) and medical settings. More Info
Offered in:ECHD 640 Language Development and Literacy in Early Childhood/Early Intervention +
This course looks at language development from infants through primary-aged children. Topics will include speech and language processes for communication, language development stages, theories of language acquisition, assessment of language development and activities in order to foster language development. Special attention will be paid to linguistically diverse populations as well as to children whose language development is different from the reference group with regards to the most recent advances in the field. Selection and development of prereading/prewriting and reading and writing curricula for preschool, kindergarten and primary grades will be addressed. The will be an emphasis on development of literacy in the primary grades that employs a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) approach. The course includes 10 hours of clinical experiences. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ECHD 641 Science and Mathematics Instruction for All Young Children +
This course reviews developmental theory and research as related to the curriculum areas. A foundation for selection and design of curriculum materials and activities appropriate for children in kindergarten and primary grades is discussed and documented via student products. Fundamental concepts and skills for teaching math and science to young children are practiced, as well as optimum, hands-on pedagogical methods and those derived from Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Math and science developmentally appropriate activities for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and primary children are practiced during a 10 hour clinical experience. More Info
Offered in:ECHD 654 Instructional Leadership and Quality Improvement in Early Care and Education +
This leadership course is designed to strengthen the knowledge, skills, and competencies of early education instructional leaders to support high quality teaching practices with diverse learners. The course begins with an evidence-based framework and a set of concrete strategies for instructional leaders, and then provides multiple opportunities to apply these frameworks and strategies in early childhood education settings. The course examines early childhood curriculum, job-embedded professional learning, and the role of instructional leaders in early education settings, including program directors, education coordinators, lead teachers and teachers, coaches and others. Participants will learn about organizational change, and new research on methods for accelerating improvement and creating a culture of collaborative learning. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ECHD 655 Focus on Preschool Curriculum +
This online course is designed to prepare students to effectively implement child-centered curriculum in early childhood preschool classrooms. Students will acquire the knowledge, skills, and experiences to implement curriculum and assess children’s development using guiding principles and evidence-based instructional practices. Students will develop a child-centered pedagogy to support whole child development by simultaneously addressing social-emotional and academic skills and valuing cultural, linguistic, and developmental diversity. Students will learn to utilize high-quality, developmentally appropriate teaching strategies and will deepen their understanding of curriculum components, quality elements, and scope and sequence of the curriculum through standards-based lesson design and individual coaching sessions. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ECHD 666 Early Intervention: Curriculum, Methods, and Services +
The course covers methods of service delivery for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families. Explores key aspects of consultation, interdisciplinary collaboration, service coordination, and family-centered services. The course focuses on culturally responsive practices, including developmental screening, home visits, and IFSP/IEP development. The course also prepares personnel with the skills necessary to be effective members of interdisciplinary teams that operate from a developmental framework and that incorporate a family-guided approach to early intervention service delivery. 10-hours of clinical experience. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ECHD 685 Practicum II-PreK-2nd grade +
This is the second of a two-course practicum sequence that requires students to complete a 14 week, full-time practicum field experience. The experience provides the opportunity to put theory and technique into practice in a kindergarten (one third of total time), and first or second grade classroom (two thirds of total time) under the guidance of a Massachusetts licensed teacher. Students develop teaching competencies, with assistance from both a licensed supervising practitioner and a program supervisor. They also attend a weekly seminar with the university supervisor to explore the connections between theory and practice and share practicum experiences. Students design and implement curriculum, assess individual child and group progress demonstrating a command of Universal Design of Learning (UDL) techniques, and observe role of family and community in children's education, and develop identity as an early childhood/early intervention professional. More Info
Offered in:ECHD 689 Early Childhood Pre-Practicum PreK-2 +
This one-credit field experience is organized around the Preservice Performance Assessment (PPA) tool, which guides both candidates' observations of experienced teachers at work, and candidates' own lesson delivery later in the semester. University supervisors hold two organizational meetings during the semester (beginning and end) to discuss general issues stemming from field placements and to ensure candidates have a solid grasp of the PPA tool with which their lesson delivery is assessed. Students spend one day a week in a PreK-2nd grade public school classroom where they start observing and incrementally taking responsibilities. From helping one single student to small group monitoring, the experience leads to the teaching of a lesson to the whole class that is assessed by the university supervisor. Such assessment is discussed with each individual student and a plan to identify areas and strategies for improvement is completed. More Info
Offered in:ECHD 690 Planning Curriculum in Early Childhood +
Students use the state's curriculum frameworks and related resources to design, implement, and evaluate meaningful, challenging curriculum that promotes comprehensive developmental and learning outcomes for all young children. They learn about curriculum theory and other professional standards related to early childhood education organization and practice. Students become collaborative learners who make informed decisions that integrate knowledge from a variety of sources and geared towards maximizing service to a wide diversity of children, employing a Universal Design of Learning (UDL) approach. Using the Preservice performance assessment tool as guideline for the basic elements of teaching, students identify and collect artifacts that demonstrate their growing understanding of effective classroom practice. More Info
Offered in:ECHD 696 Independent Study: Early Education and Care in Inclusive Settings +
This is a directed study of a particular topic in education. The work is guided and assessed by the instructor. More Info
Offered in:ECHD 697 Special Topics: Early Education and Care in Inclusive Settings +
This advanced course offers intensive study of selected topics in the field of early childhood education and care. Course content and credits vary according to topic and are announced prior to the advance -pre-registration period. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ECHD 701 Early Education and Care Policy and Practice +
In this course, students will examine early care and education (ECE) policies, programs, and practices. Particular attention is focused on analyses of national and state ECE policies and systems, including the implications of the current knowledge base and research to policies and practices at the federal, state, and program levels. Analyses are guided by several complementary conceptual frameworks and will be informed by the science of early childhood on developmentally appropriate practice, parenting, family support, parent engagement and empowerment, the importance of relationships, and the ecology of child development. Issues related to comprehensive services, the workforce, quality, costs and affordability, funding and return on investment, child outcomes, and advocacy are included. Implications of the ECE field will be identified and analyzed with a focus on advocacy for change. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ECHD 702 Advanced Child Development and Early Learning +
Through this advanced course in child development, student will examine theories related to human development and contemporary research findings in areas of child development and early learning. The course offers an opportunity to investigate selected topics in cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development from conception through late childhood. Diverse perspectives will be used to understand development, both typical and atypical, in these various domains of development. Emphasis will be given to understanding individual and cultural difference while interpreting child development and assessment. More Info
Offered in:ECHD 703 Translating Early Education Research into Practice +
This course provides students with a comprehensive conceptual understanding of qualitative and quantitative research methods with an emphasis on linking theory to practice, and interpreting and applying research findings. The course examines connections among theoretical frameworks, research questions, design, methods of data collection, and analysis and reporting. Students will critique research and explore methods for evaluating research and translating research findings for use in early education settings. The course will help learners to become better consumers of research, and to understand the ways education research relates to practice and early care and education quality improvement. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ECHD 704 Leadership and Change in Early Education and Care +
This course explores multidisciplinary approaches to leadership, change, and leading for change applied to the early care and education context. We will examine the theory and practice of change to gain an understanding of what contributes to the carrying out of successful and lasting change. Participants will analyze the forces that drive change, examine impediments to change, and survey a range of approaches for making change more effective. In addition, the course focuses on leadership in its many forms (in teaching, administration, policy, research, ethics). Participants will gain a deeper understanding of themselves as developing leaders and change agents, and explore ways to improve professional practice, early education quality, and promote social justice and caring in programs and systems serving young children and families. More Info
Offered in:ECHD 705 The Science of Early Learning +
This course is designed to provide an overview of the learning sciences in regards to children birth to age eight. The learning sciences is a relative new field that draws upon interdisciplinary research from cognitive science, sociology, neuroscience, educational psychology, and education. Class readings and discussions will examine the physical, cognitive, and social aspects of learning environments including how learning interactions unfold in those settings. It will also address the design of effective learning environments for young children in diverse education settings including center, home, and school-based programs for young children. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ECHD 706 Historical and Theoretical Foundations of Early Childhood Education and Care. +
This course will introduce the major curricular theories and ideologies that influence teachers' concepts of instruction in early childhood. Class readings and discussions will explore the history of the American education system, including theoretical perspectives on the purposes of schooling, the conceptions on the nature of knowledge, and the role of the "hidden curriculum" or other social constructs in curricula. Emphasis will be placed on historical and political contexts in relation to theories of learning for young children and both traditional and non-traditional models of instruction for children birth through age eight. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ECHD 707 Teaching Early Childhood Education and Care in Higher Education +
This course prepares students in the ECEC Ph.D. program to be effective facilitators of learning for college and university students and other adult learners specializing in early childhood education and care. Topics include research on early childhood professional development in preservice and inservice settings, including adult learning, effective content and pedagogy, and assessment. Students will gain skills in course design, syllabus development, alignment of assignments and assessments with student outcomes, and adaptations to the learning needs of diverse adult learners. Reflective approaches to teaching and learning will be emphasized throughout. More Info
Offered in:ECHD 708 Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Research Team Seminar +
This course involves participation in a research team with a core faculty member within the ECEC PhD program. The specific area of research will vary and be specific to each faculty member's team. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ECHD 709 ECEC Doctoral Seminar I +
This course develops the ability of students in the ECEC Ph.D. program to integrate and synthesize transdisciplinary and global perspectives on critical issues in early childhood education and care. Topics of this course include issues of social justice, diversity, policy and leadership, and special education to which multiple perspectives may be brought to bear. Taken in students' second semester, the course offers opportunities for students to interact with members of the ECEC Graduate Group from different concentrations as well as other experts. The course provides multiple perspectives on selected core issues, with students considering these perspectives in light of their own experiences and probably research interests. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ECHD 710 ECEC Doctoral Seminar II +
This seminar course develops the ability of students in the ECEC Ph.D. program to plan and conduct research leading to the dissertation, and to broaden their knowledge of, and readiness for careers within or beyond academia. Depending on individual students' dissertation status, the seminar provides structured support as students plan the proposal, gather and analyze data, and write the dissertation. The course is designed as a semi-structured working group to assist students in various stages of the dissertation process. Students will learn from and critique one another's research plans, present work-in-progress to the group, and support fellow students in making progress. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ECHD 711 Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Examining Five Main Approaches +
This course is an introduction to the field and practice of qualitative inquiry. Qualitative research is an umbrella term that encompasses many methodologies and methods, many of which aim to understand everyday social life as it occurs in its natural environment. In this course, you will be introduced to some of the varied perspectives related to qualitative inquiry, as well as the theoretical and historical foundations of qualitative research. As a result of readings and discussion, students will aim to better understand the assumptions of theory, method, and analysis guiding their research choices. Further, you will have an opportunity to learn about the practice some of the research methods that are common to qualitative research. As such, this course is also practical in scope, as you will complete a mini-research study. Finally, this course aims to prepare you for more advanced study of qualitative inquiry. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
ECHD 799 Dissertation Research in Early Childhood Education and Care +
This course centers on original research conducted under the supervision of a dissertation faculty advisor and the dissertation committee, and leads to the proposal and defense of a doctoral dissertation. More Info
Offered in: