Counseling and School Psychology Courses
CSP 641 Cognitive and Affective Foundations +
This graduate course is designed to introduce you to human cognitive and affective processes. topics cross the lifespan and include contemporary issues in cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience, including vision, attention, memory, language, emotions, social cognition, and cognitive development. These topics will be explored within the context of neuroscientific and developmental aspects of these fields. This course also surveys affective aspects of psychological science and how basic psychological science is related to applied research. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CSP 660 Physiological Bases of Behavior +
This course will give graduate students foundational knowledge of the biological bases of human behavior. Course content covers systems and structures of the nervous system, neuronal communication, genetics, hormonal, and environmental influences on the brain and nervous system. The course includes exploration of physiological processes such as perception, memory, language, and emotion. Activities designed to increase understanding of neurodevelopment, problems that cause pathology, and interventions are included. More Info
Offered in:CSP 680 History & Systems in Counseling and School Psychology +
This course explores the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of contemporary psychology from a historical perspective. It provides a broad overview of psychology's development as an independent discipline, and of the development of the various sub-specialities in the field. By examining intellectual antecedents and underlying assumptions, the course seeks to evaluate the significance of new movements and methods. It provides a broad overview of the history of psychology and evaluates the significance of new movements and methods by examining intellectual antecedents and underlying assumptions about mental health issues and systems. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CSP 696 Independent Study +
CSP 701 Social Justice in Counseling and School Psychology +
This course analyzes theoretical, pedagogical, and methodological frameworks relevant to the practice of social justice in counseling and school psychology. These frameworks will be considered in the context of multicultural issues. It also focuses on techniques to promote systems change, advocacy, and policy development in schools and counseling agencies, such as: problem identification, problem analysis, goal setting, evaluating and selecting programmatic options, predicting social and fiscal impact, designing and testing pilot programs, constituency development, and planning program implementation and evaluation. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CSP 702 Foundations and Ethics in Counseling Psychology +
This course covers the history and development of the field of counseling Psychology, current trends and relevant research and practice issues within the discipline, and future directions. The course also reviews ethics of research, teaching, and practice within Counseling Psychology, including the role of the American Psychology Association's Ethical Standards, and ethical principles. Students will learn about common ethical conflicts and processes for conflict resolution. The role of social justice in the specialization will also be discussed. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CSP 703 Research in Counseling and School Psychology +
This course involves participation in a research team with a core faculty member within either the Counseling or School Psychology track of the CSP doctoral program. The specific area of research will vary and be specific to each faculty member's team. More Info
Offered in:CSP 704 Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods in Counseling and School Psychology +
This course focuses on the basic principles and techniques of research steps necessary to design and write a research proposal in counseling and school psychology. Topics include developing research hypotheses, the nature of correlation and causal relationships, survey research, group comparison experimental research, qualitative research methods, single subject and quasi-experimental research, and ethical issues in clinical research. Upon completion of the course, it is expected that students will have a deep understanding of qualitative and quantitative research design and theory and will be able to pose a wide variety of research questions that match appropriate methodology. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CSP 705 Social and Cultural Psychology +
This is an advanced course in social psychology that covers both classic and contemporary theory and research. Topics covered include social cognition, social perception, the self, attitudes, stereotyping-prejudice-discrimination, interpersonal attraction-close relationships, social influence, prosocial behavior, aggression, groups/individuals, and conflict/cooperation. Throughout the course broad themes to be included are: emotion, culture, gender and social aspects of human behavior, the web and other technologies. It is intended for graduate students with some background in social psychology who desire a more in-depth exposure to the major issues in the field. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CSP 706 Personality Assessment +
The focus of this course is on advanced psychological assessment and testing skills. Students learn how to administer, score, and interpret objective (structured) and projective personality tests that assess personality characteristics. Skills include the use and interpretation of a battery of psychological tests, the identification of relevant developmental and cultural factors that affect the assessment and testing process, and the integration of test and non-test data into a comprehensive, integrative report. Commonly used objective tests (e.g., MMPI-2, MCMI-III) and projective tests (e.g., Rorschach, TAT) will be covered in depth. Development of effective consultation and test interpretation feedback skills will be emphasized throughout. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CSP 708 Intermediate Statistics in CSP +
This course instructs students in intermediate data analysis techniques in their application to psychological research. The course emphasizes modern statistical methods for social and behavioral sciences, including hypothesis testing, as well as one-way, factorial, and repeated measures analysis of variance, simple analysis of covariance, and advanced correlational methods, bivariate regression and an introduction to multiple regression, selected nonparametric methods, and introduction to multivariate analysis of variance. Students will learn how to perform these procedures using a SPSS statistical software package. More Info
Offered in:CSP 713 Advanced Career and Group Theory and Practice +
This course provides students with advanced knowledge in both career and group theory and application. Students will be expected to plan and develop a group that relates to career or vocational counseling and facilitate this experience for 8 weeks. This course will prepare students in advanced group skills with application to career development. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CSP 717 Advanced Theory and Practice in counseling and School Psychology +
This course addresses theories and practice in the advanced practice of counseling and school psychology. Informed by the paradigm shift from pathology to strengths-based psychology, this course will examine the growing body of work on resilience and well-being across the lifespan. Psychotherapy and systems integration of traditional and emerging therapy approaches and interventions across sociocultural contexts will be practices and developed by students. More Info
Offered in:CSP 752 Health Psychology: Current Theory, Research, and Interventions +
Health psychology studies the intersection of psychological theory and intervention in health, illness, and healthcare. Traditionally it has been based on a biopsychosocial approach: a person's health is determined by an interaction among biological (e.g., genetics), psychological (e.g., thoughts and behaviors) and social factors (e.g., culture, family, and social support). Health psychologists are involved in the promotion and maintenance of health, the prevention and management of illness, and the identification of psychological factors contribution to physical illness. This course adds current transdisciplinary developments addressing the question of health disparities and social determinants of health. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CSP 770 Advanced Statistics in Counseling and School Psychology +
This course is designed for students who have had a previous course covering up to simple ANOVA and multiple regression. Students will learn to conduct further variations of the GLM including two-way and higher ANOVAs, analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), advanced multiple regression models, and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Students will also be introduced to structural equation modeling (SEM), hierarchical linear modeling/multilevel modeling (HLM/MLM), and generalized linear models, although deeper understanding of these models will be outside the scope of this course. The course will be hands-on, meaning that students will be required to conduct the above analyses using appropriate statistical software. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CSP 780 Supervision and Consultation in Psychology +
This course will address theories of supervision in counseling and school psychology, techniques associated with those theories, and assessment of supervision models. The course surveys research on supervision issues and introduces students to the training and service delivery issues associated with professional supervision. This course is conducted as a seminar-practicum and attempts to maximize (a) live input from other "supervisors" and the instructor as students provide supervision to a trainee in the mental health field, as well as (b) discussion based on assigned readings. Issues of race, class, gender, school change, and technology in supervision will be discussed. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CSP 781 Internal Practicum in Counseling Psychology +
Counseling psychology doctoral training includes systematic, intensive supervised experiences in the application of psychological principles and skills to human problems. Practica are intended to provide the psychologist-in-training experiences with a diversity of client populations and prepare the learner for the predoctoral internship. This practicum is intended to prepare students for clinical training in the UMass Boston Counseling Center and includes weekly supervision and training. This supervision experience will include exploration of theoretical perspectives, a scientific approach to clinical work, treatment planning, cultural responsiveness to diverse clinical populations, and case conceptualization. Students will also explore their own experiences working with clients and the therapy process. It is a core class and required by the program. More Info
Offered in:CSP 782 Teaching in Counseling and School Psychology +
The course addresses theories, research and practice regarding teaching and learning in the fields of counseling and school psychology. Topics include pedagogy, techniques for effective teaching, motivation, working with diverse students, writing and delivering lectures, and conceptualizing exams. This course is designed to be taken simultaneously while co-teaching a content course as a Teaching Assistant. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CSP 783 Practicum in Counseling Psychology I +
Counseling psychology doctoral training includes systematic, intensive supervised experiences in the application of psychological principles and skills to human problems. Practica are intended to provide the psychologist-in-training experiences with a diversity of client populations and prepare the learner for the predoctoral internship. This supervised clinical experience will include exploration of theoretical perspectives, a scientific approach to clinical work, treatment planning, and case conceptualization. Students will also explore their own clinical work with clients and the therapy process. It is designed to be taken congruently with a field placement in counseling psychology. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CSP 784 Practicum in Counseling Psychology II: Evidence-Based Practice +
Counseling psychology doctoral training includes systematic, intensive supervised experiences in the application of psychological principles and skills to human problems. Practica are intended to provide the psychologist-in-training experiences with a diversity of client populations and prepare the learner for the predoctoral internship. This supervised clinical experience will include exploration of theoretical perspectives, a scientific approach to clinical work, treatment planning, and case conceptualization. Students will also explore their own clinical work with clients and the therapy process. It is designed to be taken congruently with a field placement in counseling psychology. More Info
Offered in:CSP 785 Practicum in School Psychology I +
The purpose of this course is to provide doctoral students in school psychology a field-based school psychology practicum experience. Activities will focus on individual and systemic factors as well as policies and practices while engaging in the implementation of prevention, assessment, consultation, and intervention activities. Each student is matched with a licensed or certified school psychologist two days per week in order to apply the skills in an urban setting with students of diverse backgrounds. Formal and informal needs assessments will also be a continuous aspect of this practicum with services determined by the needs identified by the field site. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CSP 786 Practicum in School Psychology II: Evidence-Based Practice +
The purpose of this course is to provide doctoral students in school psychology a field-based school psychology practicum experience. Activities will focus on individual and systemic factors as well as policies and practices while engaging in the implementation of prevention, assessment, consultation, and intervention activities. Each student is matched with a licensed or certified school psychologist two days per week in order to apply the skills in an urban setting with students of diverse backgrounds. Formal and informal needs assessments will also be a continuous aspect of this practicum with services determined by the needs identified by the field site. More Info
Offered in:CSP 787 Advanced Practicum III in Counseling and School Psychology +
This course focuses on the application of theory-guided and evidence-based advanced counseling and school psychology practice to complement field experience. Critical analysis of qualitative and quantitative research methods and design, and strategies to improve dissemination and application of counseling and school psychology research findings, as well as efforts toward systems and policy change, and social justice, are emphasized. More Info
Offered in:CSP 797 Special Topics +
This course offers study of selected topics within this subject. Course content and credits vary according to topic and are announced prior to the registration period. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CSP 801 Transnational Social Justice in Counseling and School Psychology +
This course covers issues of social justice in counseling and school psychology in international settings. It provides graduate students with the opportunity to apply their knowledge to an international social justice issue either through collaborative consultation, program evaluation, or clinical intervention. The capstone of the course is a two week immersion experience in another country collaborating with professionals on a social justice issue. It is the second in a series of two courses that address social justice concerns in counseling and school psychology. More Info
Offered in:CSP 888 Internship in School and Counseling Psychology Seminar I +
Doctoral candidates in school and counseling psychology are required to complete this one-year full-time predoctoral internship in a setting approved by the program. This course accompanies the first semester of this year long placement. During the internship, students have a variety of experiences, including individual and systemic assessments and therapeutic interventions. They are closely supervised by mental health professional, some of whom must be doctoral-level licensed psychologists. A letter from the on-site internship director documenting satisfactory completion must be in the student's file at the University before the degree can be granted. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CSP 889 Internship in School and Counseling Seminar II +
Doctoral candidates in school and counseling psychology are required to complete this one-year full-time predoctoral internship in a setting approved by the program. This course accompanies the second semester of the year-long placement. During the internship, students have a variety of experiences, including individual and systemic assessments and therapeutic interventions. They are closely supervised by mental health professionals, some of whom must be doctoral-level licensed psychologists. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CSP 891 Dissertation Seminar +
This seminar assists students in developing research ideas, writing their research plan, preparing a dissertation proposal, and forming a dissertation committee. Satisfactory completion of the seminar requires submission of a paper of dissertation proposal quality and a planned proposal meeting with the student's dissertation committee. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CSP 897 Special Topics +
CSP 899 Dissertation Research +
This course centers on original research conducted under the supervision of a dissertation faculty advisor and the dissertation committee, and leads to the proposal and defense of a doctoral dissertation. More Info
Offered in: