Counseling Courses
COUNSL 601 Research and Evaluation in Psychology +
This course examines several research models and strategies with respect to their various rationales and methodologies. Relevant statistical topics are introduced conceptually, especially as they are applied in research about specific academic settings. More Info
Offered in:COUNSL 605 Principles of Vocational, Educational, and Psychological Assessment +
The course provides a survey of standardized tests used in assessing aptitudes, interests, and personality traits. The course covers technical and methodological principles and social, ethical, and legal implications of psychological testing and assessment. More Info
Offered in:COUNSL 606 Ethical Standards and Professional Issues in Counseling +
The purpose of this course is to create awareness among counselors-in-training of their contribution in the therapeutic process and helping relationship. Topics include foundations for an ethical perspective; models for ethical decision making; ethical codes of professional organizations; client rights and counselor responsibilities; ethical concerns in multicultural counseling and with special client populations; ethical issues in specific modalities (i.e., group, marriage, and family counseling). More Info
Offered in:COUNSL 608 Psychopathology and Diagnosis +
This course provides students with information relevant to the diagnosis, etiology, and treatment of mental illness. Psychopharmacological interventions are addressed. The epistemological assumptions that ground traditional theories of psychopathology and diagnostic systems such as the DSM are discussed, and avoiding bias in psychiatric diagnosis is a major focus of the course. The following DSM categories are covered: mood disorders, anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders including schizophrenias, disorders usually first evident in childhood, and personality disorders. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
COUNSL 613 Vocational Development and Career Information +
The vocational development component of the course concentrates on the theories of Roe, Holland, Ginzberg, Super, and Tiedeman. The career information component, a major emphasis, directs the student to locate and use sources of educational-vocational information. These sources will include but not be limited to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles, the Occupational Outlook Handbook, the Guide to Occupational Exploration, information on local labor markets and on military careers, occupation-education information, college and vocational school guides and catalogues. More Info
Offered in:COUNSL 614 Counseling Theory and Practice I +
The purpose of this course is to provide grounding in the commonalities of counseling techniques and practice in the use of various techniques. The course covers the essentials of interviewing, note taking, and report writing, as well as the role of diagnosis. Tapes and role playing are required. More Info
Offered in:COUNSL 615 Counseling Theory and Practice II +
This course is an extension of Counseling Theory and Practice I. Major theoretical approaches (dynamic, humanistic, behavioral) are considered. The course also involves the exploration of some non-traditional approaches and the use of tape recordings, films, written records of interviews, and role playing. More Info
Offered in:COUNSL 616 Group Counseling and Group Dynamics +
This course provides an introduction to group dynamics that uses the group process of the class to provide experience of group membership and data for interpretation. Participation as a group member is required. Readings and lectures build a cognitive base for evaluating experiential learning. More Info
Offered in:COUNSL 617 Child and Adolescent Counseling +
This course focuses on facilitating the unique development and emotional growth of children through the counseling process. The course is designed to enhance students' theoretical and practical understanding of the major schools of child psychotherapy. Emphasis is given to a multidimensional view of intervention, with attention to developmental, cognitive, behavioral, educational, multicultural, and environmental issues. Through lectures, videotapes, and structured exercises, students learn a distinct group of interventions, including play and communication skills, as integral components of the therapeutic process. More Info
Offered in:COUNSL 620 Life Span Human Development +
This course provides students with a comprehensive view of lifespan development from childhood through adulthood from several perspectives: 1) the interaction of age with such factors as gender, cultural background, disabilities, and other significant issues encountered at particular stages of life; 2) how individuals at specific stages of cognitive development process information and experience; and 3) a structural approach to ego development. More Info
Offered in:COUNSL 630 Orientation to Professional School Counseling +
The basic philosophy, scope, and techniques of guidance counseling in schools are reviewed and analyzed. Discussion covers practical issues relevant to school counseling: the school as an institution; relations among counselor, administrators, teachers, and parents; developmental education; sex education; counseling standards and legislation; roles of the school counselor; professional development. More Info
Offered in:COUNSL 631 Professional Orientation: Foundations of School and Community Mental Health Counseling +
This course is focused on the foundations of school and community mental health and adjustment counseling, addressing the history and philosophy of school and community mental health counseling, professional identity and roles of the school and community mental health / adjustment counselor, professional ethics, organizational structures of schools, community-based practices, including an overview of managed care systems and wraparound services, knowledge of the juvenile justice systems, crisis intervention services, prevention, federal and state laws and regulations, medical conditions and learning disabilities, consultation with school and community stakeholders, substance abuse counseling, overview of school and community mental health counseling theories and practice, and an understanding of how sociocultural factors and diversity influences the practice of school and community mental health counseling. Particular attention will be paid to interpreting concepts and knowledge for the practice of school and community mental health counseling in an urban setting and serving diverse populations. More Info
Offered in:COUNSL 632 Collaborative Consultation in Schools +
This course provides a theoretical foundation and practical skills in consultation designed to prepare students to apply their professional preparation in education and psychology to solve problems in school settings. Consultation is viewed as a process of collaboration, intervention, and evaluation. An eco-behavioral model of consultation is emphasized. Case studies are used to develop analytical and problem-solving skills. Issues involved in serving diverse student populations are examined. The course is intended to foster an identity as a caring, dedicated, principled, and respectful consultant committed to social justice. More Info
Offered in:COUNSL 633 Professional, Ethical, and Legal Issues in School Counseling +
The purpose of this course is to create awareness among school counselors-in-training of their contribution in the counseling process and helping relationships. Topics include foundations for an ethical perspective and legal issues; models for ethical decision-making; ethical codes of professional organizations, including American counseling Association and American School counselor Association; client/student rights and counselor responsibilities; ethical concerns in multicultural counseling and with special client/student populations; professional and ethical issues in specific modalities (e.g., group counseling, consultation). More Info
Offered in:- TBA
COUNSL 635 Behavioral Counseling +
This course provides a rigorous examination of social learning theory as a basis for practice of therapeutic behavioral counseling. Through lectures, readings, demonstrations, and discussions, students become familiar with fundamental techniques of behavioral counseling, including operant, classical, modeling, and cognitive methods. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
COUNSL 650 Group Counseling for Children and Adolescents +
This course studies group counseling and group process with children, adolescents, and their families. Participants acquire knowledge and skills through critical and reflective readings, lecture, discussion, role-plays, interviews, and films. Emphasis is given to theoretical and experiential perspectives, as well as multicultural counseling in competence, to enhance participants' growth and training as thoughtful and responsive practitioners in diverse urban settings. Discussions address such themes as group dynamics, group composition and management, stages of group empowerment, and leadership styles. More Info
Offered in:COUNSL 653 Sociocultural Considerations in Counseling +
This course addresses the role of culture in counseling and psychology by looking both at history and at current issues. Discussions use an interdisciplinary framework to approach the question of counseling in a multicultural society. The course seeks to contribute to both the personal and the professional development of its participants. More Info
Offered in:COUNSL 660 College Readiness Counseling +
The purpose of this course is to prepare school counselors at all levels of practice to engage in equity-based college readiness counseling. Topics include aspirations and academic planning in elementary and middle school-aged children, the college exploration and selection process, college admissions processes and assessment, financial planning, and resources counselors, students, and parents can use in the process. More Info
Offered in:COUNSL 661 Career Development Facilitation and Training +
The Career Development Facilitator (CDF) Training course provides students with knowledge and skills needed to effectively interact with clients and consumers of career development services across a variety of settings such as schools, colleges, college access agencies, and government agencies. This course is designed to meet the requirements of the CDF certificate by developing knowledge and competence in the following subject areas related to career development: helping skills, diverse populations, ethical and legal issues, consultation, career development models, assessment, labor market information and resources, technology, employability skills, training clients and peers, program management and implementation, and promotion and public relations. More Info
Offered in:COUNSL 665 Trauma and Crisis Counseling +
This course addresses the psychology of trauma in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood, caused by child abuse and neglect, disasters, and complex environmental cultural and socio-political factors. Students learn different approaches to counseling clients who have experienced trauma as well as those in the middle of a crisis. More Info
Offered in:COUNSL 666 Sex and Sexuality in Counseling Practice +
Counselors are often unprepared for the kinds of issues that children and adults bring to therapy that focus on sex, sexual identify, and sexual experiences. This course explores various approaches to understanding sex and sexuality in the counseling hour. Students will discuss and analyze historical approaches to issues of sexual function, dysfunction, intimacy, and sexual identity in individuals and couples and families (and to some extent societies). We focus on healthy sexuality but also integrate theory and practice around victimization and sex offending. Students will examine their own sexual histories and understand their own values, biases and assumptions regarding sexuality and sexual functioning, and the potential impact of these issues on their ability to become effective, compassionate therapists. More Info
Offered in:COUNSL 667 Counseling Families and Couples: Theories and Practice +
The course reviews the application of systems thinking, the relevance of context and process, communication, change, and circular causality, to advance an understanding of couples, families, and organizations as living systems. This course addresses the purposive family therapy models, transgenerational, interactional, Milan systemic, brief strategic, and solution-focused models. It also explores original family and couples therapy applications: ecomaps, genograms, circular questions, to acquire a grounded understanding of systems thinking. The course also introduces students to work with individuals around family issues and work with couples. More Info
Offered in:COUNSL 670 Substance Abuse in Counseling Practice +
This course surveys the broader problems caused by substance abuse in modern society, both presenting and analyzing data. Part of the course is devoted to a study of the physiological consequences of substance abuse. Consideration is also given to the family of the substance abuser, to various treatment modalities, and to the relationship between the criminal justice system and substance abuse rehabilitation. More Info
Offered in:COUNSL 674 Psychopharmacology for Counselors +
This course examines psychopharmacology for counselors and is taught from a social justice perspective. It will provide students with an overview of the medications used for treating mental disorders. The basic principles of pharmacology and the interrelationships between pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics will also be addressed. The emphasis is on practical and clinical application. Special topics will include: the nature of alcohol and narcotics and the ways they affect addicts in mind and body before, during, and after treatment as well as psychopharmacological treatment for addictions; informed consent; how to find accurate and balanced information about the efficacy and side effects of psychotropic medications; how to educate my clients about the medications they are taking; how to collaborate with prescribing providers and other mental health professionals. Students will also become conversant with regulatory standards for the approval of new medications. Social justice and bioethical issues will figure predominately in this course with reference to for-profit IRB's, recruitment of marginalized groups such as undocumented immigrants, the homeless, and people living in poverty, and discrepancies in prescription practices. More Info
Offered in:COUNSL 688 Practicum +
The purpose of the practicum is to expose the student to his/her particular field in counseling through actual placement in a facility where appropriate supervision is provided. Class discussions include a review onsite observations and experiences and discussions of current issues in the field. More Info
Offered in:COUNSL 690 Internship Extension +
This course will be taught in the summer for students who have completed two semesters of internship but still need supervision over the summer. With the supervision, students will be asked to keep a journal, present their final capstone, do advanced readings, and discuss advanced topics related to the profession. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
COUNSL 695 Independent Study +
This course allows for the comprehensive study of a particular topic or a field work experience under the direction of a faculty member. A detailed proposal must be submitted to the faculty member prior to registration. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
COUNSL 696 Independent Study in Counseling +
This course allows for the comprehensive study of a particular topic or a field work experience under the direction of a faculty member. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
COUNSL 697 Special Topics in Counseling +
This advanced course offers intensive study of a selected topic in counseling psychology. Course content varies according to the topic and will be announced prior to registration. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
COUNSL 698 Internship +
Students are placed as apprentice counselors in schools or agencies under the direct supervision of qualified professionals. Students meet weekly for a three-hour seminar. More Info
Offered in:COUNSL 699 Advanced Practice I and II +
This course accompanies a student's Practicum experience (first 7 weeks of first semester) and internship experience (next 7 weeks of first semester through 2nd semester). Students are placed in sites as counselors in training under the direct supervision of licensed and qualified professionals. Students meet weekly for a seminar where they discuss readings, present cases, and are evaluated on their development of counseling skills. More Info
Offered in: