Chemistry Courses
CHEM 561 Formative Assessment in Chemistry Teaching +
This course, designed for middle and high school chemistry teachers with at least three years of experience in teaching chemistry, focuses on designing, adapting, and using formative assessments that elicit students' chemical thinking. Throughout the course, teachers build and analyze assessment portfolios and annotated chemistry formative assessment tools that illustrate how different learners' chemical thinking is elicited, and assessment snapshots that capture formative assessment classroom implementation. Perspectives of responsive teaching and chemical thinking are applied to analyzing formative assessment tools and making sense of learners' responses to formative assessments from various chemistry instructional materials or designed by teachers taking the course. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CHEM 562 Chemistry Classroom Discourse +
This course, designed for middle and high school chemistry teachers with at least three years of experience in teaching chemistry, focuses on facilitating and analyzing classroom discourse when implementing chemistry formative assessments. Throughout the course, teachers continue to build and analyze assessment portfolios and annotated formative assessment tools, as well as assessment snapshots that capture formative assessment classroom implementation. This course builds on understanding of chemistry formative assessments and focuses on analyzing classroom discourse, specifically studying teaching purposes, relationships of teacher-student and student-student discourse to chemistry content, communicative approaches, patterns of discourse, and teacher decision making and interventions. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CHEM 601 Thermodynamics & Kinetics +
Advanced physical chemistry with an emphasis on thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, and statistical mechanics with applications to problems in chemistry. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CHEM 602 Quantum Mechanics & Spectroscopy +
Advanced physical chemistry with an emphasis on modern theories of the structure of matter, including the principles of quantum mechanics, the electronic structure of atoms and molecules, chemical bonding, and atomic and molecular spectra. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CHEM 608 Data Analysis in Chemistry +
An introduction to data analysis in the chemical sciences. The objectives are to acquire the necessary skills to build statistical models to design, conduct, and understand experiments and to gain a basic understanding of machine learning and data science in chemistry. More Info
Offered in:CHEM 611 Organometallic Catalysis +
CHEM 611 is an advanced inorganic graduate course with a focus on transition metal organometallic chemistry. The structural and electronic properties of transition metal organometallic complexes are discussed using ligand field theory to develop and advanced understanding of transition metal-ligand bonding interactions. Characteristic transition metal mediated chemical transformations are discussed and their application in catalytic transformations or organic substrates and small molecule activation (proton reduction, water oxidation, CO2 reduction, N2 reduction) discussed. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CHEM 612 Physical Inorganic Chemistry +
Study of the physical chemistry aspects of modern inorganic chemistry. Ligand field is applied via symmetry derived group theory principles to understand structural and spectroscopic properties of organic chromophores and transition metal complexes. Advance theories of inorganic photochemistry and electrochemistry are covered and their application discussed with respect to renewable energy technologies, e.g. solar energy and carbon dioxide conversion. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CHEM 621 Organic Synthesis & Mechanisms +
Discussion of the mechanisms of fundamental reactions used in organic synthesis. Critical analysis of the tactics and strategy of the use of these reactions for the construction of organic compounds. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CHEM 622 Physical Organic Chemistry +
Modern theories of organic reaction mechanisms, particularly the use of physical-chemical principles to predict the effect of changing reaction variables, especially reactant structures, on reactivity. The structure, stability, and reactivity of carbanions and carbocations, as well as SN1 and SN2 reactions, are discussed. Molecular orbital theory and symmetry as applied to organic reactions is also a focus. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CHEM 631 Chemical Toxicology +
Designing safer chemicals requires a comprehensive and systematic approach based on the contribution of multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary investigators. This course focuses on understanding the structure-hazard relationship, and on minimizing the intrinsic toxicity of new drug candidates before synthesis even begins. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CHEM 651 Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds +
A survey of spectral methods for organic structure determination. This course will introduce the major spectroscopic techniques with an emphasis on the application to structural analysis. The basic theory and methodology of each type of spectroscopy will be presented. Topics covered include IR, UV-vis, NMR, and mass spectrometry. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CHEM 658 Medicinal Chemistry +
This graduate and upper-level professional course presents the principles of medicinal chemistry. it is an introduction to drug development, organized along the following main lines: drug discovery process, drug structure and ADME properties, lead discovery and optimization, structure-activity relationship, computer-aided drug design, combinatorial chemistry, drugs from natural sources, pharmacokinetics, drug metabolism, drug and analog synthesis and overview of major drug targets, such as biological membranes, receptors, enzymes, nucleic acids among others. Intellectual property protection, preclinical and clinical trials and approval process are also discussed. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CHEM 661 Analytical Instrumentation +
This course provides a survey of the different types of instrumentation that is in the chemist's tool box. The advantages and disadvantages will be stressed in effort to develop the insight necessary to choose the right tool for the problem at hand. We will use several of these tools in the laboratory portion of the course. More Info
Offered in:CHEM 666 Electrochemistry +
This course provides an advanced study in the field of electrochemistry. Electro-chemistry will include an overview of the theories of ionics, electrodiscs, and charge transfer. These theories will then be applied to the understanding of a variety of electroanalytical techniques and electrochemical applications such as contemporary batteries and fuel cells. Electroanalytical techniques to be discussed include static and dynamic methods for application of controlled voltage (potentiometric) and controlled current (coulometric) as well as ion detection, electro-separation, and conductometric methods. Specific topics emphasized will include electrochemical instrumentation, reference electrodes, cyclic voltammetry, microelectrochemistry, and contemporary ion selective electrode analysis. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CHEM 671 Introduction to Green Chemistry +
The goal of this course is to provide a global perspective on Green Chemistry. The first of three sections will identify an environmental problem such as global warming, ozone depletion, or water pollution. The second section will look at real-world implications of Green Chemistry-for example, from a manufacturing, toxicological, or economic perspective. The third section will present an array of representative topics: renewable energy, atmospheric chemistry, chemical reactions in water and soil, or benign chemical syntheses, for example. Combined, the three sections provide an understanding of chemistry designed to benefit society and provide pathways to minimize environmental impact. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CHEM 680L Physical Biochemistry +
This course serves as an introduction to analytical methods and instrumentation available to the interdisciplinary scientist. While no course can be comprehensive in this field, this course will examine a broad base of analytical methods through introductory theory and will highlight applications and recent developments in these methods through current primary literature. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CHEM 681 Medical Biochemistry +
Chem 681 is an overview of the biochemical reactions of the human body in health and disease. A previous knowledge of fundamental biochemistry is necessary for understanding the course material. The connections of basic biochemical concepts to physiological and pathophysiological processes will be discussed during this lecture. Topics include among others, Protein Folding & Misfolding, Organ Specialization of Human Metabolism, Metabolic Diseases, Free Radicals and Ageing, Nutrition, Molecular Biology of Diseases, Hormones, Biochemistry of Blood, the Extracellular Matrix, Muscle and the Cytoskeleton, and the Sensory Systems. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CHEM 687 Topics in Chemistry +
Graduate-level readings in various areas of chemistry under the supervision of a faculty member. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CHEM 689 Topics in Organic Chemistry +
Discussions of selected topics of current interest in organic chemistry. Open to graduates and advanced undergraduates. More Info
Offered in:CHEM 691 Seminar I +
Students take CHEM 691 or 692 during every semester they are enrolled in the program. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CHEM 692 Seminar II +
Students take CHEM 691 or 692 during every semester they are enrolled in the program. More Info
Offered in:CHEM 696 Independent Study +
Study of a particular area of chemistry under the supervision of a faculty member. More Info
Offered in:CHEM 697 Special Topics +
A field of current interest in chemistry is examined in detail. More Info
Offered in:- TBA
CHEM 699 Master's Thesis +
CHEM 899 Dissertation Research +
Research, conducted under faculty supervision, which leads to the presentation of a doctoral dissertation. More Info
Offered in: