Course Listings

all > UGRD > psych > psych 464

Biological Rhythms in Brain and Behavior

Course #: PSYCH 464

This course will be an introduction to the field of biological rhythms. In this course, students will examine biological clocks at multiple levels including theoretical aspects, organismal and system level studies, and cellular and molecular analyses. The course will cover numerous examples that illustrate the important impact of rhythms on both psychological and biological functioning.

Pre Requisites: Pre-req: PSYCH 201 and either PSYCH 360 or BIOL 316

Offered in:

2025 Spring

Section Class Number Schedule/Time Instructor Location
01 8860 MW
9:30 - 10:45 am
Park,Jin McCormack M02-0621
Session: Regular
Class Dates: 01/27/2025 - 05/14/2025
Capacity: 25
Enrolled: 26
Status: Closed
Credits: 3/3
Class Notes:
Pre Requisites: Pre-req: PSYCH 201 and either PSYCH 360 or BIOL 316
Course Attributes: