Course Listings

all > UGRD > physic > physic 447

Quantum Information IV: Quantum Science Applications

Course #: PHYSIC 447

This course is devoted to applications of Quantum Information Science. The course is divided in three parts. Part I is a survey of current implementation schemes from quantum computers, from superconducting flux qubits to ion traps to NMR to adiabatic computers like D-wave. Part II is devoted to simulating quantum systems and quantum computers. Using the package QUTIP (see students will learn how to simulate quantum circuits and quantum systems on a classical computer and perform some quantum algorithms. In part III, students will learn how to program a real quantum computer using the IBM Quantum Experience module and will write software for real quantum computers.

Pre Requisites: Pre-requisite: PHYSIC 247 and PHYSIC 347 and PHYSIC 351 or permission of instructor

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