Course Listings

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English Internship

Course #: ENGL 454

This is a course for English majors with approved internships that connect to skills learned in the English Department. The course/internship will provide experience working in a professional setting/context and will offer students the potential to reflect on potential career paths. Students meet periodically with a faculty internship director to discuss the progress of the internship. Course requirements typically include a journal or end-of-term portfolio, as well as a reflection essay and evaluation of the internship. For full information about requirements, see the English Department Undergraduate Office. Because potential faculty internship directors made commitments early, students are encouraged to apply during advanced registration. This course awards 3 credits for approximately 10 hours/week of work with the internship (or 150 hours over the course of the semester), in addition to the required portfolio and reflection piece.

Pre Requisites: Pre-requisite: ENGL 200 and ENGL 201 or ENGL 202 and 3 upper-level English courses

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