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Poetry Matters: Connecting Poetry and Patients

Course #: ENGL 121

How can poetry matter to patients young and old suffering from disorienting diseases? Students find out in this double-section course combining a first section that focuses on literature reflecting the philosophy of care with a beginner-level poetry workshop in which students will write their own poems of care. The aural quality of poetry matters to those needing comfort and class visits from poets enhance our learning about how poetry can help heal. Site visits to 1-2 care facilities during class time reveal how to put critical and creative reading and writing into action during hands-on personal interaction with young patients. Students who are community-minded, or feel strongly about reaching out to those in need, will find in the course ways that literature 'and poetry in particular' has a strong pull for those experiencing tough medical challenges. This is a hands-on, interactive course designed with the support of the Mellon Foundation.

Pre Requisites:

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