Course Listings

all > UGRD > anth > anth 120L

Sports and Inequality: Race, Class, Gender, and the Labor of Sweat

Course #: ANTH 120L

This course explores the place of sports in US history and culture. How have sports shaped US history/culture, and how has US history/culture shaped sports? As we read stories of races won, baskets made, fights fought, and players competing, we will explore sport-as-labor and focus on this main themes: the impact of immigration, industrialization, and urbanization on the games Americans played; the class origins of sports like baseball, boxing, football, tennis, and golf; sport and conflict between labor and capital; racial prejudice, gender exclusion, and integration in sport; athleticism and the evolving ideas about masculinity, femininity, and race; the links between sport, patriotism, and national identity; and sport as an arena for political protest.

LABOR 120L and ANTH 120L are the same course.

Pre Requisites:

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