Course Listings

all > UGRD > WGS > WGS 263G

Transgender Studies: Scholarly and Community Perspectives

Course #: WGS 263G

This course provides an introduction to the expanding transdisciplinary field of transgender studies by situating trans identities, experiences, communities and movements in their historical and social contexts. Drawing on literatures from sociology, psychology, cultural studies, and feminist and queer theory, as well as trans community sources, we'll examine how categories like "trans" and "transgender" have been shaped by political, medical, and community-based discourses. Using a range of theoretical lenses, we'll explore how trans lives and bodies are produced and experienced in and through systems of gender, racism, colonization, ableism, and medicalization. Key to our inquiry will be the implications of trans political movements, increased visibility in media and culture, and the institutionalization of trans studies as a discipline. This course is appropriate for students who are new to trans issues as well as students who have academic and/or personal experience with the topic.

Pre Requisites: Pre-req = ENGL 102, and a minimum of 30 creditsDegree Students OnlyStudents may not take more than one 200G ( Intermediate Seminar) course.

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