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Course Listings


Race and Power in the US

Course #: SOCIOL 211G

The focus of this class is to gain insight into race and power dynamics in the U.S. We will devote attention to state treatment and responses to different racial/ethnic groups. In exploring what led up to the government's actions, as well as the consequences for and the responses from those targeted, we will analyze and evaluate the social, cultural, political, economic, and interpersonal contexts of racism, which bear on our current policies and institutional arrangements. The course is designed to familiarize students with theoretical overviews of racism and oppression, the historical accounts and contemporary experiences of racism, the formation of complex racial identity, and to expose them to effective social change efforts. Students will develop critical reading, thinking, and writing skills by engaging with issues of racial inequality.

Pre Requisites: Pre-req = ENGL 102, and a minimum of 30 creditsDegree Students OnlyStudents may not take more than one 200G ( Intermediate Seminar) course.

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