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Course Listings

2024 Summer > UGRD > SOCIOL > SOCIOL 337

The Police in Society

Course #: SOCIOL 337

An examination of police as a system of social control; a survey of major studies of police by sociologists and government commissions. Emphasis placed on police organization, patterns and consequences of police training, historical and cross-cultural perspectives of police systems and studies of police discretion and police-citizen interaction.
Pre Requisites:
Pre-requisite: SOCIOL 101. Sociology Majors are also required to have completed SOCIOL 102

Section Class Number Schedule/Time Instructor Location
01 2704
Lageson,Jacqueline B On-line course
Session: SS2 6W
Class Dates: 07/15/2024 - 08/22/2024
Capacity: 25
Enrolled: 13
Status: Open
Credits: 3/3
Class Notes:
Pre Requisites: Pre-requisite: SOCIOL 101. Sociology Majors are also required to have completed SOCIOL 102
Course Attributes: