Minds & Machines
Course #: PHIL 228
What are minds and can machines be/have minds? We are currently seeing enormous technological transformations, and a rapid rise in use of so-called AI or Artificial Intelligence. Large language models like ChatGPT seem to have changed how we write, work and think nearly overnight. In this class we want to think not only about whether these new ’tools’ are ’minds’ but also how they transform our own human mental lives and capacities. Thus, we will discuss the question of "artificial intelligence" and in which sense machines might act not just as tools but as minds or agents of sorts. But we will also discuss how human life and agency are changing in the digital age, how technological developments are affecting us, e.g. in terms of social intimacy and mental health, and democracy. We will approach these questions from a philosophical lens and read both classic and contemporary work within philosophy of mind and technology and literature.
Pre Requisites: