Course Listings

all > UGRD > LABOR > LABOR 250L

The Hands that Feed Us: Food, Labor, Race, and Migration in the U.S.

Course #: LABOR 250L

This course explores two broad inter-related questions. First, how has the labor required to bring food from seas, fields, factories and kitchens to our plates changed over time? And, second, how have workers in fields, factories, restaurants, and homes resisted and transformed the labor arrangements that have defined food production and consumption? These two broad framings necessarily lead us to explore other questions. How have race, gender, immigration and colonial dynamics shaped the division of labor across the food chain? What are the implications of emerging forms of resistance and solidarity on food, agrarian livelihoods, and the service industry? We will examine how patterns of inequality have manifested in spheres such as domestic unpaid food work, farms and food processing, retail, and hospitality. Along the way, we will consider opportunities to realize a food system that upholds equity and dignity for workers.

LABOR 250L and ANTH 250L are the same course.

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