Course Listings

all > UGRD > HIST > HIST 152

Crime, Corruption, and Scandal in Historical Perspective

Course #: HIST 152

This introductory history class examines an array of events that were widely known in their own eras. Focusing on sensational crimes, instances of deep corruption, and other types of scandals in the past provides insight into our past. The course will pay careful attention to shocking events and people whose outrageous behavior astounded their society. The course will then place these events and people within the wider frameworks in which they occurred, using one to illuminate the other. It is the historical context, after all, that makes the behavior scandalous! From semester to semester specific topics will vary, please contact the History for more information.

Pre Requisites:

Offered in:

2024 Fall

Section Class Number Schedule/Time Instructor Location
01 9857 TuTh
9:30 - 10:45 am
Johnson,Benjamin W01-0088 Snowden Auditorium
Session: Regular
Class Dates: 09/03/2024 - 12/13/2024
Capacity: 80
Enrolled: 80
Status: Closed
Credits: 3/3
Class Notes: This course uses low-cost course material which will cost less than $50. For more information about low-cost course material, please visit
Pre Requisites:
Course Attributes: