Course Listings


Architecture and Human Built Environment Interactions

Course #: ENVSTY 351L

This course introduces students to the connections between architecture and human-made places and spaces and emphasizes student engagement and creative problem-solving. This course is a multidisciplinary and multilayered exploration of how architecture and urban design respond to, and interact with, the numerous forces, such as the culture and environmental contexts, that shape their development and uses case studies from the United States and around the world as examples. Moreover, a broad range of the works of socially-mined architects will be discussed for increasing the awareness of the built environment. Topics will include environmentally conscious architecture, regionalism in architecture, the critical role of architects in reconstruction the built environment after catastrophes, and, how architecture and urban design can foster healthy urban environments.

UPCD 351L and ENVSTY 351L are the same course

Pre Requisites: Pre-requisite: 30 credits or permission of instructor

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