Course Listings

2024 Fall > UGRD > BIOL > BIOL 378

Introduction to Immunology

Course #: BIOL 378

An introduction to the principles of immunology including definition of antigens and antibodies, specificity of the immune response, immunoglobin structure, the genetics of immunoglobin synthesis, cellular cooperation in the immune response, mechanism of inflammation, transplantation, diseases associated with responsiveness of the immune system.
Pre Requisites:
Pre-req = BIOL 210 or 212 and BIOL 252 or 254 and CHEM 104or CHEM 116 & 118

Section Class Number Schedule/Time Instructor Location
01 1381 MWF
1:00 - 1:50 pm
Girard,Juliet University Hall Y02-2330
Session: Regular
Class Dates: 09/03/2024 - 12/13/2024
Capacity: 40
Enrolled: 38
Status: Open
Credits: 4/4
Class Notes:
Pre Requisites: Pre-req = BIOL 210 or 212 and BIOL 252 or 254 and CHEM 104or CHEM 116 & 118
Course Attributes:
01L 1382 Tu
9:30 - 12:29 pm
Girard,Juliet W02-0030 Biology Lab
Session: Regular
Class Dates: 09/03/2024 - 12/13/2024
Capacity: 20
Enrolled: 19
Status: Open
Credits: 4/4
Class Notes:
Pre Requisites: Pre-req = BIOL 210 or 212 and BIOL 252 or 254 and CHEM 104or CHEM 116 & 118
Course Attributes:
02L 1383 Th
9:30 - 12:29 pm
Girard,Juliet W02-0030 Biology Lab
Session: Regular
Class Dates: 09/03/2024 - 12/13/2024
Capacity: 20
Enrolled: 19
Status: Open
Credits: 4/4
Class Notes:
Pre Requisites: Pre-req = BIOL 210 or 212 and BIOL 252 or 254 and CHEM 104or CHEM 116 & 118
Course Attributes: