Course Listings

2025 Summer > UGRD > BIOCHM > BIOCHM 383

Biochemistry I

Course #: BIOCHM 383

In the first of a two-semester sequence, the chemistry of life processes is discussed in terms of structure and biological function of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids, and other cellular components. Special emphasis is given to protein structure and function, enzymology, carbohydrate metabolism, transport mechanisms, energy transformations, and photosynthesis.
Pre Requisites:
Pre-req = BIOL 111 and one of the following: CHEM 252 with 256 or 254, or CHEM 954A.

Section Class Number Schedule/Time Instructor Location
01 2272 MTuWTh
11:45 - 1:15 pm
Martin,Glover University Hall Y04-4140
Session: SS1 6W
Class Dates: 05/27/2025 - 07/10/2025
Capacity: 30
Enrolled: 0
Status: Open
Credits: 3/3
Class Notes:
Pre Requisites: Pre-req = BIOL 111 and one of the following: CHEM 252 with 256 or 254, or CHEM 954A.
Course Attributes: