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Course Listings

2024 Spring > UGRD > ASIAN > ASIAN 104L

Introduction to East Asian Art

Course #: ASIAN 104L

This course is an introduction to East Asian art, focusing on Japan and China. It is divided into three historical segments: early forms of Buddhism, paintings of the scholar class, and the interaction of tradition with imported Western cultural forms. These topics provide a comparative context for exploring style, culture, class and gender.

Section Class Number Schedule/Time Instructor Location
01 12055 TuTh
11:00 - 12:15 pm
Weston,Victoria University Hall Y04-4170
Session: Regular
Class Dates: 01/22/2024 - 05/08/2024
Capacity: 7
Enrolled: 7
Status: Closed
Credits: 3/3
Class Notes:
Pre Requisites:
Course Attributes: International, World Cultures