Course Listings


Community Economic Development in the U.S.: Class, Race, Ethnicity

Course #: ASAMST 353L

This course provides a framework to understand and assess local economic development issues, as well as approaches and strategies to address them. The focus is on different types of community capital central to sustainable community economic development. These community resources include physical capital, business development and entrepreneurship, financial capital, social capital, household asset accumulation, education, and workforce development. Special attention is given to challenges and opportunities of local economic development among low-income, minority, and immigrant groups in urban communities. The local economic development among low-income, minority, and immigrant groups in urban communities. The local economic development strategies involve different configurations. of policies initiated at the federal, state, and local levels - engaging governmental, corporate, and community organizations, as well as complementary social services. Students will have the opportunity to investigate in depth the economic development conditions and evolving efforts to strength sustainable economic development in a particular community.UPCD 353L and ASAMST 353L are the same course.

Pre Requisites: Pre-requisite: 60 credits

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