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Course Listings

2023 Fall > UGRD > AMST > AMST 101

Popular Culture in America

Course #: AMST 101

This course introduces students to the varieties of popular culture in America, including popular literature, live entertainment, radio, movies, and television. In-depth case studies of such particular forms of popular culture as humor and music are included. In class viewing and listening accompany case studies.

Section Class Number Schedule/Time Instructor Location
01 2002 MWF
4:00 - 4:50 pm
Pustz,Matthew John University Hall Y02-2110
Session: Regular
Class Dates: 09/05/2023 - 12/13/2023
Capacity: 80
Enrolled: 80
Status: Closed
Credits: 3/3
Class Notes:
Pre Requisites:
Course Attributes: Humanities
02 4134
Macdonald Weeks,Kelly C On-line course
Session: Regular
Class Dates: 09/05/2023 - 12/13/2023
Capacity: 25
Enrolled: 25
Status: Closed
Credits: 3/3
Class Notes:
Pre Requisites:
Course Attributes: Humanities