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Course Listings

all > GRAD > nursng > nursng 714

DNP Seminar I: Translating Evidence to Improve Practice

Course #: NURSNG 714

This course is focused on the translation of evidence into practice to achieve sustainable improvements in clinical, patient and system outcomes. This course builds on the foundation of evidence-based practice and the critical appraisal of evidence to guide decision making for translation and application to practice. This is the first of a 5-course sequence which guides the learner to identify a practice problem/issue that will serve as the basis for the DNP scholarly project. This course supports the learner’s development of a problem statement, evidence-based literature review, and development of a PICO question for a theory guided DNP scholarly project. Ethical issues in the conduct of improvement science, including the criteria for distinguishing clinical quality improvement from human subjects’ research, will be examined. Students are introduced to the AACN Essentials for Advanced-Level Nursing Education and the application of the AACN Essentials to the DNP scholarly project

Ran as special topics course fall 2023 for DNP program.

Pre Requisites: Pre-requisite = DNP student

Offered in: