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Course Listings

all > GRAD > gisd > gisd 608

Ethics and Professionalism in Global Inclusion and Social Development

Course #: GISD 608

Ethical issues are prevalent in multiple contexts. At the personal level, ethics may determine how we choose to interact with others; within organizations, ethics may influence the strategies used to reach organizational goals; nationally, ethics can have a role in determining priorities and shaping the policy agenda; and at the global level, ethics may often determine the quality of relationships and degree of cooperation between international bodies. Ethical competence by individuals, organizations, and nations requires that one's conduct be congruent with generally accepted moral principles and values. This course introduces students to ethical theory and how ethics are shaped by values, as well as ethical standards and codes that guide professional practice and conduct in global inclusion and social development. The course also teaches students strategies and techniques to identify and help address ethical issues in practice, research, and evaluation in a variety of contexts (local, regional, national, global, cross-national) and settings (health, disability, community development, cross-cultural). Students in the master's and doctoral programs in global inclusion and social development can choose to take this course or the Cultural Competency: Impacts on Innovations and Model Development course.

Pre Requisites:

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