Course Listings

all > GRAD > UPCD > UPCD 750

Planning Studio I

Course #: UPCD 750

The goal of this course is to provide students with hands-on experience in developing plans that enable government agencies or nonprofit organizations to direct housing, economic development or physical infrastructure initiatives that improve quality of life for residents, workers and visitors in specific urban neighborhoods. These plans reflect many dimensions of community life: physical appearance of buildings and streetscapes, demographic and economic characteristics of those affected by the plan, transportation, employment, housing and quality of life. Such plans should reflect participation by a broad-range of stakeholders, demonstrate social and environmental benefits that exceed the costs of development, and incorporate values of sustainability, local involvement and a critical perspective on the role of planning in urban development. Students will gain experience in translating multiple and sometimes conflicting values, priorities and objectives of a real-world client (i.e. neighborhood associations, CDCs, municipal planning agencies) into deliverables that provide clear guidance on multiple development tasks. Clients will benefit from plans that help them achieve short-term development goals as well as help fulfill their organizational mission. The highly participatory approach to community planning featured in the course will also serve to enhance the organizing, planning, design and development capacity of the non-profit organizations, community-based businesses, and municipal planning and development organizations collaborating in the creation and implementation of these neighborhood plans.

Pre Requisites: Pre-Requisite: UPCD 600 and UPCD 620 and UPCD 626 and UPCD 631and UPCD 625

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