Course Listings

all > GRAD > UPCD > UPCD 611

The City in History

Course #: UPCD 611

This course is organized into three parts. First is an overview of the idea of cities throughout history. The second explores the link between industrialized and urbanization (the causal relationship for ht rise of industrial cities -- the case of European and US cities), and urbanization without industrialization in former European colonies in Africa, Latin America and Asia (particularly during the Twentieth Century leading to the rise of Mega-cities in so-called developing countries). The third centers on theoretical reflections on cities as the fundamental development theaters, e.g., the spatial formations for the production of all social, economic, political cultural and technological arenas of societies (with a particular focus on four US cities: New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Miami). Each of these cities may be representative of different periods in US urban history, and also being the "models" giving rise for much of urban theory in the USA. The course will identify key thinkers, events, theories shaping the history and theory of cities.

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