all > GRAD > SPY G > SPY G 604
Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Assessment and Intervention
Course #: SPY G 604
This course develops competence in administering and scoring selected personality, behavioral, social/emotional, and adaptive behavior measures, and in preparing meaningful interpretations of those test results. Topics include psychological theory and practical issues involved in clinical assessment. Close attention is paid to the psychometric adequacy of various assessment methods, ethical aspects of assessment, and issues of clinical judgment. Emphasis is placed on multi-method, multi-source strategies using approaches such as direct observation, interviewing techniques, rating scales, and self-report measures. The projective hypothesis and projective methods are reviewed, including storytelling and drawing techniques. Special issues in cross-cultural assessment and in assessing minority students and students with disabilities are considered. Links between assessment results and intervention recommendations are stressed.
Pre Requisites: Pre-req = Graduate degree student in School Psychology