all > GRAD > PSYDBS > PSYDBS 725
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
Course #: PSYDBS 725
Developmental cognitive neuroscience is an evolving field that investigates the relations between brain and cognitive development. Fundamental questions include: What are the relations between developmental changes in the brain (e.g. morphology, connectivity) and developmental changes in children's perceptual and cognitive abilities (e.g. depth perception, ability to sustain selective attention, executive functions)? Why, and how, is learning enhanced during certain periods in development? These issues will be investigated in the context of the following specific topics: the development of the visual system, visual attention, memory, executive functions, speech and language. The methods of human cognitive neuroscientific research that can be used with infants and children will also be discussed (e.g. ERP, NIRS).
Pre Requisites: