Ethical & Professional Conduct
Course #: ABA 656
This three credit course has been approved by the national Behavior Analyst Certification Board as addressing competencies in Ethical and Professional Conduct. This course will provide students with an opportunity to learn the Disciplinary and Ethical Standards, and the Disciplinary Procedures required in the practices of applied behavior analysis. Through case studies and scenarios, student will have the opportunity to apply guidelines for responsible conduct for behavior analysts. In particular, the student will apply the guideline expectations for ways in which to conduct research, assessments, and make ethical decisions before taking action. Students will design ways in which they apply the guidelines to training, supervision and consultation, interactions with colleagues, and their responsibility to society.
ABA 656 meets Behavior Analyst Certificate Board, Inc. requirements for Ethical and Professional Conduct (45 of 45 hrs.).
Pre Requisites: Pre-requisite = ABA certificate student