Assessment and Treatment of Problem Behavior
Course #: ABA 652
This is a 3-credit graduate level course designed to review the literature relevant to the assessment and treatment of challenging behavior. The course content is based on relevant literature in the field of behavior analysis and includes an overview of and the logic behind procedures required to complete a functional behavioral assessment of challenging behavior and implementation of function-based treatments to decrease challenging behaviors and increase adaptive behaviors. Functional behavior assessment procedures that will be covered include indirect assessments, descriptive assessments, and functional analysis. Student swill practice conduction an indirect and descriptive assessment, and have the opportunity to design a functional analysis. Treatments that will be covered include antecedent interventions, differential reinforcement procedures, extinction, and punishment, among others. Students will design a comprehensive function-based intervention plan. Conceptual and practical issues related to the assessment and treatment of challenging behavior will be addressed.
ABA 652 meets Behavior Analyst Certificate Board, Inc. TM Task list 4 requirements for:a. Identification of the Problem & Assessment (15 of 30 hrs.)b. Intervention and Behavior Change Considerations (5 of 10 hrs.)c. Behavior Change Systems (5 of 10 hrs.)d. Fundamental Elements of Behavior Change & Specific Behavior Change Procedures (20 of 45 hrs.)
Pre Requisites: Pre-requisite = ABA certificate student
Offered in:
2025 Spring
Section | Class Number | Schedule/Time | Instructor | Location | |
01 | 10829 | W 5:00 - 9:00 pm |
Maharaj,Andre | HLL-3505 ITC Presentation Rm 3 | |
Spec Prg1
Class Dates:
03/19/2025 - 05/14/2025
Class Notes:
Pre Requisites:
Pre-requisite = ABA certificate student
Course Attributes: